Orchard Primary
& Pre-School

Orchard Primary & Pre-School
"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"
Welcome to Year 6!
For this week's 10 minute challenge, please use the time to familiarise yourself with the Knowledge Organiser for our topic this half term, Endurance Explorers.
We'd like you to then complete a mini homework project which will be due on Monday 9th September. We'll share lots of ideas in school and can also send home any resources that may be needed.
Possible ideas:
- research and create a fact file for an area of your choice.
- produce your own piece of topic inspired artwork.
- create a PPT with your top facts.
- create your own volcano
- come up with your top 5 questions that you'd like to ask some experts in the field of climate change, tornadoes, hurricanes or tsunamis or even 5 questions that you'd like to ask Sir Ernest Shackleton.
- create a map of Sir Ernest Shackleton's expedition
- write a diary entry from Sir Ernest Shackleton's point of view.
- create a poster of facts about tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes.