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Orchard Primary & Pre-School

"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"

Photos 2023 - 2024

Summer 2 Week 6 

Summer 2 Week 5 

We have had another busy and exciting week in Year 1. During our Literacy lesson on Tuesday we had a visit from the troll who left us a note. We can't wait to learn more about him through our new model text 'The Terrible Troll'. We have also been to Number 8 to practise our dance for our Summer Performance next week. We can't wait to show everyone our costumes and make everyone laugh! 

Summer 2 Week 4 

This week in Science we measured our sunflowers we planted last half term. We talked about the changes over time and what we needed to do to help the sunflowers survive! We were very impressed with how tall some of them had grown. In food technology we cooked toad in the hole, we cut the sausages very carefully and placed them into the mixture. In Art we started to look at the tree of life and some real life examples. We started to create the tree trunk and branches and will continue to work on these next week. 

Summer 2 Week 3

In food technology this week we made Rock Cakes, we loved working well as part of a team, sharing and mixing the ingredients together. In Maths week we looked at the concept of 'more or less' and we used cubes to help us. We rolled a dice and then had to make a tower of cubes to create a bigger and a smaller number. 
In art, we used a variety of strips of paper to create a 3D picture. We had to create different folds and used scissors and glue to help us. We were very proud of our finished pictures! 

Summer 2 Week 2 

On Tuesday in our DT lesson we made bread rolls with Mrs Marks. We had so much fun mixing the dough, even if we did forget the yeast to begin with! In Maths, we have been continuing to look at time. This week we looked at making different times thinking about counting in 5s around the clock. Although slightly tricky, we were fantastic at making times such as 6:10. In Literacy, we acted out our model text 'Little Charlie' using character masks to help us. We enjoyed working in small groups and performing to each other! 

On Thursday, we had a practice for sports day with year 6. It was so lovely to see the year 6 and year 1 children work so well together.

Summer 2 Week 1 

Our first week of our final half-term in year 1 is complete! In Maths, we have been looking at triangular prisms, in our lesson on Tuesday we talked about the different 2D faces we could spot and then had a go at creating it using dcm sticks. In Literacy, we were introduced to our new model text 'Winston the Worried', we used hot seating to think about how Winston may have felt when his friends left him. On Friday, we started to draw our text map and we can't wait to add actions too! 


This half-term we are starting food technology lessons as part of our DT. This week we baked cupcakes! First, we learnt about the importance of hygiene when working with food and why we should always wash our hands and put our hair up. We loved working as part of a team and even having a go at cracking the eggs! Once the cupcakes had baked we got to decorate them using icing sugar and sprinkles. We then took them home to eat and they were delicious! 


In Science, we have been looking at plants. This week a member of the class brought in lots of different leaves and shared them with the class, it was so lovely to hear so many different facts about them. We also went out on to the playground to spot different evergreen and deciduous trees. We then had a go at drawing them. 

Summer 1 Week 7

Another half-term done, only 7 weeks until we are in year 2! In Literacy this week, we finished writing our letters to our new characters, making sure we had included all of the key features needed in a letter. In Maths, we continued to look at time focussing on O'clock and half past. We even had a go at drawing the big hand and the little to represent these. We also, practised our number bonds to 20 using numicon to help us. 

On Wednesday, we finished off our mini-beast project with Reception. We worked with our partners to paint our minibeast, we were very proud of them and can't wait to see them up in the KS1 library area. 

Summer 1 Week 6 

This week in Computing we used our program design to create our space race on ScratchJr! We designed our rockets, added the background and then created our algorithms. We loved changing the algorithms to change which rocket won the race. 

On Wednesday, we continued our minibeast project with Reception. We used paper mache to wrap round our minibeasts. It was very messy, but we had lots of fun! We can't wait to paint these next week. 

Summer 1 Week 5 

In maths this week we have been looking at different 2D and 3D shapes. We discussed how they were different and what the different shapes are called. We then, with our partners, practised acting out the different actions to represent 1D, 2D and 3D shapes. In Literacy, we wrote our narratives using our model text 'Little Charlie' for inspiration, we thought carefully about the adjectives we were using and using the -ed suffix! In Art we continued our beach topic by painting our own seaside pictures. We thought about what we needed to include and used water colours to produce them.

Summer 1 Week 4 

On Wednesday we started our minibeast project with Reception. We have been put in pairs across the two years and will be working on this for the next couple of weeks. This week we decided with our partners what minibeast we were going to make and then created its body using newspaper and tape. Next week, we will be using paper mache on them! 

In Art we have been looking at the seaside. This week's lesson focussed on textures. We talked about what textures are and how they might feel. We then used sand and tissue paper to add texture to a beach scene. 
We had a fantastic time with iSing Pop on Friday. We practised the songs and learnt actions with year 2 and Reception and then performed this with the whole school. 

Summer 1 Week 3

In Literacy this week, we acted out our story 'Little Charlie' in small groups. We used pictures to help us and then performed it to each other. Next week we will finish our innovating and write up our new versions!  As part of our 'Being my Best' topic in PSCHE, we looked at eating well. We talked about the different fruits and vegetables we could eat, and made fruit kebabs to try. Some of us tried new fruits and liked them! 


Summer 1 Week 2 

In Topic this week we looked at our school environment. We created maps and went on a walk around school to help us draw these! In Art with looked at the artist Wassily Kandinsky, we found out that he was born in Russia and he was one of the first abstract painters. We looked at his Squares with Concentric Circles painting (1913), and spotted primary and secondary colours. We then had a go at creating our own!  

In Computing, we continued our work on ScratchJr and programmed a sequence using a starting and end block. Finally, in Science, we have been looking at different parts of a tree. We started the lesson by labelling a tree and then went out side and used wax crayons to look at the growth rings!

Summer 1 Week 1

What a busy first week back we have had! In Literacy we have started looking at our new model text 'Little Charlie'. On Monday we found a basket of items, we talked about who they were from and what they might be used for. We then hot seated the different characters from the story in small groups, thinking about how they felt. In Computing we have started our new topic looking at programming, we used ScratchJr and had a go at programming our sprite to move!

Spring 2 Week 5 

We had a wonderful time exploring Tiddler Town on Thursday. We loved exploring the different stations and using our imagination when discovering different professions!   

Spring 2 Week 4 

We had a fantastic time at our Forensic Science workshop on Monday. We looked at the different types of finger prints and how our shoes produce a different footprint because of the design on the bottom. We investigated a variety of different objects, using tweezers and magnifying glasses to see if we could solve a crime!

We have had another exciting week in year 1! In Maths we have continued to look at money and their values. We worked in pairs to 'buy' different items of a variety of values, we had to select our coins to pay for the items. In Art we have been continuing to look at painting. We looked at printing and then created our own pieces of art using items such as lego, cubes and cotton wool. 

On Friday we took part in Red Nose Day. We started the day with a class shared breakfast, it was lovely to have breakfast with our friends! 

Spring 2 Week 3

We are already half way through the term - wow! On Tuesday we were lucky enough to have some cricket coaching. We had a fantastic time practising our throwing and catching, balancing a ball on a cricket bat and batting. In Maths we have been looking at coins and their values, we also looked at how we can use a variety of different coins to pay for an item. In PSHCE, as part of our Rights and Respect topic. we looked at taking care of something. We planted sunflower seeds and then talked about what we could do to help them grow, we will be keeping an eye on these over the next few weeks! In R.E. this half term we have been looking at why Christians celebrate Easter. This week we focussed on Good Friday and talked about remembering Jesus. We looked at hot cross buns and what the cross symbolises. We then tasted them, they were delicious! 

We had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day! We enjoyed sharing our favourite stories with a Reception reading buddy! 

Spring 2 Week 2 

In Art this week we have been looking at the artist Jasper Johns and his Numbers in Colour painting. We used primary colours to paint our numbers and then used secondary colours to paint the background. We had a lot of fun making these, and can't wait to see them on display around school. In maths, we have been looking at the volume of ml. We poured water into beakers to measure different quantities, it was tricky making sure we didn't pour too much in! We have also used decimetre sticks to create shapes and identify the perimeter. In computing we have been carrying on using Beebots, we focussed using the forwards/backwards buttons and gave instructions for our group. 

For those of us who are still 5, we had a dentist visit us and check our teeth. We loved sitting on the chair (deckchair) and wearing the fun sunglasses! 

Spring 2 Week 1 


What a busy first week back we have had in year 1! In Literacy we have started our new book 'The Little Red Hen'. On Monday we found items left behind related to the topic. In small groups we had to predict what we thought they were and who they belonged to! On Wednesday we took part in a dance festival at Number 8. We had a fantastic time performing our dance from the Lion King. We also loved watching the other schools perform and joining in with the warm up dances. On Friday we took part in a VR workshop all about space. We loved learning about the different planets, what they look like and how big they are. 

Spring 1 Week 5 

As part of our Design and Technology this half-term we created rockets to link to our Topic 'Out of this World'. We first designed our rockets thinking about the items we might use to create them and what they might look like. We then began to create our rockets using recycled materials. We had lots of fun!