Orchard Primary
& Pre-School

Orchard Primary & Pre-School
"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"
From January 2025, our school meals will be provided by
The Deli@Pershore.
Message from The Deli:
Firstly, let’s introduce ourselves. We are The Deli@Pershore and we will be your school’s new caterer. We are a small family run business, trading for twelve and a half years on the high street in Pershore. Some of you may have been in the café or had takeaway from the sandwich bar. You may not have known that we have being providing fresh quality homecooked meals for schools in the area for over 10 years. As of January, we will be working with Orchard Primary School. This information will set out what you can expect from us and everything you need to know. Our philosophy has always been to provide a healthy balanced meal that children would actually want to eat. As you will see from our menu there is plenty of choice either hot lunch, jacket potatoes or packed lunch options. We have tried to cater for all tastes. If your child has any allergies or special requirements, we can work with you to produce a suitable menu.
How to order
Go to our website https://pershoredeli.co.uk/school-meals/
All the important information is there. Just have a read then scroll to the bottom and click the order button. You will then be taken to an order screen. Fill in all the information needed and then chose the meals you’d like to order. There is a special instructions box, where you can put any special requests such as "no peas", "no gravy" or whatever it maybe. This is where we would ask you also to put any allergies. Then just click submit at the bottom of the page. We do ask that you get your orders in ASAP and please order for the days needed across all 8 weeks. The system will then send you a copy of the menu and what you’ve ordered. The order will come in number and letter form, the menu has the numbers and letters on that represent each dish. Please make sure you check your junk folder as the conformation sometimes goes into there. It will be from a company called Caspio.
How to Pay
If you pay for your child’s meals, you will receive an invoice via email from The Deli. This is normally done around week 2 of a new menu. This can be paid straight into their bank; all the details will be on the invoice. You can also pay over the phone on 01386 553689 between 9am and 2pm. They also accept cash if you would prefer, just pop in and they can take your payment. The Deli do ask that you pay ASAP when you get your invoice. If you need to contact them to discuss anything please email deli.pershore@hotmail.co.uk
Food Allergies and Special Dietary Needs
Our school menus are designed to offer a variety of foods in a range of dishes, including vegetarian options. However, we do acknowledge that some pupils may have special dietary requirements and that, where possible, menus may need to be adapted to suit those needs. For the purpose of this information the term “special diet” refers to any medically prescribed diet, including food allergies.
If your child has any allergies or special dietary requirements, we ask you to: