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Orchard Primary

& Pre-School

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Orchard Primary & Pre-School

"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"

Celebration Assembly

This month we celebrated the achievements of the following children:


Ross (Swimming Stage 2), Steven (Player of the Match, Pershore Town FC Under 9's), Charlie (Swimming Level 6), Eve (Swimming Stage 1), Josh S (Bronze Swimming Award), Emily (Rainbow Promise), Cai (painting using marbling technique), Carl, Lucas and Sam   (Swimming Gala with 1st Pershore Beavers), Alex H-S (completing Summer Reading Challenge), Sophie (Windsurfing Course), Ryan Y (Stage 6 swimming and 25m Award), Frankee (5m Swimming Award), Emma G (Stage 2 Swimming), Evie (SuperStars - Super Star of the Day)Connie (Summer Reading Challenge) and the girls in Year 3 and 4 who took part in the Girls Football Festival at Evesham High School!


What a talented group of children we have!  Thank you once again to all the parents and carers who came to our Assembly.
