Orchard Primary
& Pre-School
Orchard Primary & Pre-School
"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"
Hello Year 6,
I'll be uploading your 10 minute challenges to this page from now on to make it easier to access from home (paper copies of activities will still be sent home where necessary). Remember, as well as completing your 10 minute challenge, we also ask that you read for at least 10 minutes every night as well as practise your spellings and Maths fluency targets. We would like you to complete the three pieces each week (My Maths, Reading Comprehension and SPaG/Maths Reasoning), with deadline the following Monday after these have been set. Lots of house points/golden tickets are up for grabs for completion of all of these tasks!!
Monday - MyMaths - please log on to see your set activity.
Tuesday - Reading Comprehension
Wednesday - SPaG activity/ Maths Reasoning
Thursday - TTRockstars/times table practice
Friday - Research an area of your choice or complete a mini homework project, linked to our new Topic. Please see Week 1's homework page https://www.orchardprimary.org.uk/week-1-86/ for the Knowledge Organiser and ideas.
If you have any problems accessing any of the online activities, please spend time revising a times table of your choice and let me know in school the following morning. Also, please do not hesitate to get in touch if ever you have any questions or need any help with any of the homework activities. Useful links and games can be found under the weekly tabs below.
Thank you again for your hard work and support at home :)
Useful Links:
Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
New Maths Games:
Handwriting- Letter Join:
Letter Join link- https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/desktop_edition/home/index
Login details below: