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Orchard Primary & Pre-School

"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"

This week we have learnt....

Week 3

We have continued our learning of the rainforest this week. We have looked at the different layers of the rainforest and which animals live there. 

In science we are looking at sound and have begun to look at ways to reduce the sound coming from an object.

In reading we have got further with our book 'The Secret Explorers and the Rainforest Rangers'. We have looked at our previous predictions to see if we were correct and made further predictions for the last part of our book.

Spring 1 - Week 2

This week in literacy we have been looking at 'There's a Rang-Tan in my bedroom', which is linked to our topic work. We have done hot seating to see how we think both the girl and Rang-Tan feel about deforestation. We have also retold the story as a class.

In topic we looked at the difference between climate and weather and then created a weather report for the different rainforests around the world.

Term 2 Week 2

We've had a lovely end to the week today with Children In Need. We have a class song, Bruno Mars 'Count on Me', which we will be singing to the rest of the school next week - the children have been given lyrics sheets so please practice at home. 

We've been busy this week writing our innovated diary entries as Servius, a Roman legionary. We've started our new science topic of States of Matter, looking at what a solid, liquid and gas is. We've done lots of maths learning but the children particularly enjoyed learning Roman numerals. In PE, the children practiced cross country - it seems we have some enthusiastic runners who loved it! We were also treated to a special session with Wonderdrome, where we got to have an immersive experience learning about space. 

Enjoy the pictures below - have a lovely weekend! 

Term 2 Week 1


We have had a lovely first week back after half term, full of lots of fun! The highlight of the week was our Roman Day on Wednesday, where the children got to experience different aspects of Roman life. They played Roman games, learned to write in the Roman alphabet, put on replica armour and much much more! Check out the pictures below. We have really enjoyed the first week of our topic and there's lots more to look forward to this term. Today, we made some poppies ready for Remembrance Day on Monday - there are some pictures below. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend! 

Mr Perry 

Week 7

We have had another busy week and have nearly made to through out first half term! 

In English this week, we have moved on to start researching and planning for our invented non-chronological reports on spiders. 

We have also watched Charlotte's Web as a nice way to finish our unit of work based on this book. 

In our topic lessons this week, we continued our research into major America cities, focusing on San Francisco, Chicago, Orlando and New Orleans. The children were able to see the differences between these cities.

Below are some pictures from the week, including a fun PE lesson! 

Have a lovely weekend, everyone! 

Mr Perry 

Week 6

This week, we have started to research for our innovated non-chronological report. Out of the animals from Charlotte's Web, the class voted for sheep! We will be ready to start writing this next week. 

We've continued with our Maths units and are approaching the end for Term 1 before we revisit areas in the last week or two of term. 

In science, we were classifying again, but this time plants instead of animals. The class had a go at creating a classification key with different examples of trees and plants. Some pictures are below. 

On Wednesday, we were fortunate to visit the Abbey with Year 5 and 6 to have an organ workshop. The children got to hear it being played and and learnt all about the instrument. 


I hope you have a lovely weekend, Mr Perry 

Week 5

This week, we have started our new unit of writing which is non-chronological reports. We have been creating and learning a story map based on the model text for pigs (linked to Charlotte's Web). 

There are some pictures of our rehearsals below. 

In maths, we worked with fifths, solving different calculations with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We also continued work on comparing measures, using the grid method for multiplication and got super mathematical working with powers of ten! 

In science, we moved on to sorting plants and tree. We looked at the different between evergreen and deciduous trees and then flowering and non-flowering plants. We finished with a walk around the school grounds to see what types of plants and trees we could find. 

In topic, we focused on understanding different landscapes of the USA. There are a wide range of landscapes from mountains, deserts and coasts. 

Week 4

This week has been full of interesting lessons, including computing (where we explored networks and the World Wide Web), RE (where we watched an animated story of Noah), science (where we explored classifying animals and making classification keys) and ART (where we explored creating different tones with sketching pencils and drawing with a 3D effect). 

We've also continued with our core learning, reaching the end of our first writing unit on character descriptions. The children did very well writing their invented pieces! In maths, we've strengthened our understanding of using grid method for multiplication, place value of large numbers and lots more. For our reading session today, we tried listening to Charlotte's Web as an audiobook which the children enjoyed. 

Unfortunately, we've been so busy I haven't taken lots of photos - there are some attached below though. 

Have a lovely weekend! 

Week 4 photos

Week 3

Well done to everyone for another great week! 

We have continued our maths strands, learning more about reflection, units of measure and multiplication.

In English, we have completed our innovation stage for our character descriptions and worked on using conjunctions and prepositions to improve our writing. 

In design and technology, the children did a fantastic job designing their 3D structures and thinking about the specifications for it. They are looking forward to making them in the coming weeks! 

Also for our topic, we went on our first trip around USA to New York, the Empire State. We focused a lot on New York City and learned about the state flag, the culture and many of the famous landmarks. After visiting the landmarks, the children wrote a postcard home. There is a homework challenge this week to take something that has interested them about New York and produce something to share with the class. 

We finished the week off with a brilliant assembly and workshop from Rock Steady - the children loved hearing the different instruments and taking part. A letter to sign up and join the club has gone home today. 

Have a great weekend! 

Week 3 Photos

It has been a busy week this week! 


In English, we created our story map for our character description model text. We rehearsed it and performed it as a class which you can see in some of the pictures. 

In maths, we have started our Smart Maths lessons which have included reflection, units of measure, fraction maths stories, multiplication and place value. We have also been practising our times tables a lot- well done for using TTRockstars at home as well! 

We also had a design & technology lesson with Mrs Marks where we explored making 3D shapes using nets. This is linked to our project this term of making 3D buildings, inspired by the skyscrapers of America. 

In science, we began our topic of animals and living things by understanding which groups of animals are vertebrates. You can see us sorting animals in the photos.

In PSHE, we worked collaboratively to first try and stand up whilst sitting back to back  (harder than it sounds). Then, each group was given a human machine challenge card where they had to act out the job. E.g. Peel a banana and turn it into banana cube sweets that are wrapped in paper. 


We hope you have a lovely weekend! 

Week 2 Photos

We have had a great start to Year 4 this week! 


Everyone has come back after the summer ready to learn and have fun! We have been getting used to our new routines and the lessons we will be doing each day. 


In maths, we have been focusing on our times tables, building fluency in the 5s and 10s especially. We have tried some different ways of learning them, including 'Times table table tennis' and 'Times table Bingo!'. It would be great if the children could show you these at home. 


In English, we began reading out first class book 'Charlotte's Web' which we will be using for our reading and writing lessons. We did some interesting drama activities which you can see in the photos below. We freeze framed scenes from Chapter 1 and hot seated as different characters. 


We have also started our new topic of 'USA Road Trip'. The children were excited to come up with things they wanted to know which we can explore this term. We are very fortunate to be working with Mrs Mars this term on a fantastic design & technology project to make a New York inspired city landscape. Keep an eye out for more on that! 


Well done on a great first week and well done to all our value award winners and stars of the week so far! 


Have a great weekend. 
