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Orchard Primary & Pre-School

"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"

This week we have learnt...

Spring 1 Week 3

This week in Literacy we have innovated our class story 'Tidy!' by Emily Gravett. We thought about who our new character was going to be and what they look like. We used our knowledge of animals from both our Science and Geography lessons to help with this. We will be writing our new stories up next week!

In Maths, we have been acting out real life subtraction and addition maths stories, instead of 5 - 3 = 2, we placed this into a real life example such as, 5 butterflies -  3 butterflies = 2 butterflies. We will be building on this next week. 

In Computing, we have been exploring computers. We talked about what technology is and gave examples. We then thought about the different features of a computer and then we had a go at using the track pad to complete a picture. We had lots of fun! 

Spring 1 Week 2 

This week in Science we have been looking at birds. We thought about the different birds we knew and then named their features such as beak, feathers and wings. We then went out onto the playground to see what birds we could spot - although these were mostly pigeons! 
In Maths this week we have been continuing to look at division maths stories. We have also been adding two digit numbers with a 1 digit number, this has been helping us prepare for writing vertical addition maths stories in the next few weeks. 

In Art, we looked at the artist Judith Scott. We looked at some of her artwork and talked about what shapes and colours we could see. We then had a go at creating our own, we each found a stick and then wrapped different colour wool around it. It was quite tricky as we had to make sure it was tight enough! 

Spring 1 Week 1 

Year 1 have had a busy start to the Spring term! In art we looked at what we thought an artist was. We then drew ourselves as an artist. Some of us drew ourselves baking, building lego and making bracelets. In PE on Thursday, we went onto the field to play some tag game. We played the treasure game where we had to put the cones in hoops before the other teams. We had lots of fun! 

Autumn 2 Week 7 

On Tuesday we had our Christmas performance at the Abbey, Year 1 sang beautifully and we are all very proud of their performance. Please see below for a video of them singing! 
On Wednesday we made crowns and then enjoyed our school Christmas lunch with the whole school. 

We hope you all have a lovely Christmas and a happy new year! 


Year 1's Christmas Performance 2024

Still image for this video

Autumn 2 Week 6

We are nearly at the end of the Autumn term - wow it has flown! In Literacy, we have been reading The Gingerbread Man. On Wednesday we made our own gingerbread men, measuring out the ingredients, rolling the mixture, cutting out the shapes and then decorating them! Next week, we will write up our own instructions on how to make them using pictures from this week to help us. In Science, we have been continuing to look at materials. This week, we looked at which materials absorb water and which do not. We made a prediction and then tested out the materials by pouring water on them. We found out that the cotton wool absorbed the most amount of water. 
On Friday, we visited the Abbey to practise for our whole school nativity. We can't wait for our grown ups to come and watch on Tuesday! 

Autumn 2 Week 5 

What another busy week we have had in Year 1! We have been practising our Christmas songs ready for our practice at the Abbey next week. In Topic, we have continued to look at space, this week we focussed on the planets and talked about which planets are the biggest and which are the smallest. We then had a go at ordering them! 
In Science, we looked at sinking and floating. We started the lesson by making a prediction about whether we thought the items on the sheet were going to float or sink. We then tested them by dropping them into the water. We found out that not all heavy items sink, for example the tyre, which we thought would sink, floated! 

Autumn 2 Week 4 

In Topic this week we found out about the astronaut Tim Peake. We talked about who he was and why he is important. We watched some videos of Tim Peake answering questions about space, we learned about how  you sleep in space and how you go to the toilet! We then wrote letters asking our own questions to Tim Peake. 
In Science, we have been looking at melting and freezing. We had blocks of ice and in small groups we had to work out the best way to melt them. After rubbing it with a towel and blowing on it, we found the best way was to use a hairdryer. 
On Thursday afternoon we were lucky enough to have a music lesson from a teacher at Pershore High School. We loved singing Jingle Bells and playing the drums along to the beat. 

Autumn 2 Week 3

What a busy week we have had in Year 1. We were very excited on Tuesday to find out it had snowed! We went out onto the school field to make snow angels and snowmen. In Maths, we have been looking at measuring lines in metres. We went into the school hall and measured different lengths using the metre sticks and practised counting the sticks as we placed them down. In art, we have been continuing to look at the artist Bridget Riley, we created our own pictures by tracing around our hands and then used a variety of different lines to create a 3D picture. We then coloured these in using two different colours to create a repeating pattern. 
On Friday each class learnt and performed a song for Children in Need. Year 1 sang I Just Can't Wait To Be King from the Lion King. We all think they did a fantastic job and are very proud of them all! 

I Just Can't Wait To Be King - Lion King

Still image for this video

Autumn 2 Week 2 

What another wonderful week we have had in Year 1! On Monday we took part in Remembrance Day, we laid our poppies down alongside the rest of the school and observed the two minute silence. On Tuesday we were lucky enough to have a visit from the WonderDome. As our topic this half term is all about space, we loved finding out about all of the different planets and seeing pictures of Neil Armstrong on the moon. We even used our knowledge from our lessons to explain why Neil Armstrong's footprints were still on the moon over 50 years later! 
On Wednesday, we were lucky enough to go on a R.E. trip to Pershore Abbey. We loved finding out about the Abbey, ringing the bell, dressing up as a vicar, learning about baptisms and even having a go at brass drawing. Thank you Mrs Clarke for allowing us to visit and teaching us all about the Abbey! 

Autumn 2 Week 1 

What a busy first week back we have had in Year 1! In Literacy this week we have started to look at our new model text Whatever Next! On Monday we found some items in our classroom as we made a prediction about what we thought the story might be about. In maths, we have been looking at multiplication. We used our cups and to help us act out different maths stories. We enjoyed using our new actions to help us. 
In music, were introduced to the glockenspiel. We looked at how each part played a different note, we thought about whether they made a high or low noise. 
Finally, on Friday we looked at Remembrance Day. We were lucky enough to have some medals brought in by a student which we all had a look at. We were very careful when looking at them and enjoyed seeing the pictures which were printed on them. We then made our poppies which we are going to lay with the whole school on Monday. 

Autumn 1 Week 8 

Our first half term in Year 1 is complete! This week we had a visit from Tiddler Town. We had so much fun, playing in the police station, farm shop, hair salon and in the building site. In R.E. this week we looked at Diwali, we talked about why it is important and how people celebrate it. We then created our own Diva lamps out of salt dough, it was quite tricky to mould but we all persevered. We can't wait to paint and decorate these the first week back. In Science, this week, our focus was on autumn. We talked about the changes we could see and what the weather was like. We then created our own autumn wreathes using leaves we found on the playground. We also listened to the autumn experience on Now Press Play. 

Autumn 1 Week 7 

What another fantastic week we have had in Year 1! In Literacy, we have been busy continuing to learn our model text Zog and have started our innovation of the character. In Maths, we have been building  on our knowledge learnt so far this term, in particular we have been looking at adding and subtracting to 20. 
In Computing we have been learning about the artist Wassily Kandinsky and have been using out IPads to create our own concentric circles picture. We thought about the shapes we could see and the tools we needed to use in order to create this. 
In Science, we explored our final sense of taste. We tasted a variety of different foods and talked about what they tasted like. We weren't a fan of the lemon! 

On Friday, we enjoyed our halloween disco, we loved seeing each others costumes and dancing with our friends! 

Autumn 1 Week 6 

What another busy week we have had in Year 1! In Literacy this week, we have been learning and acting out our model text Zog, ready to start innovating next week. In Maths, we have continued to use our cups to act out addition and subtraction maths stories. We worked in pairs to take it in turns to act out and write down the maths stories into our books. In Science, we looked at the sense 'smell', we smelt a variety of different items and thought about how the smells differed from each other. We weren't a fan of the vinegar! 

In Computing we have continued to work on our topic of 'Digital Painting'. This week we looked at the artist Henri Matisse and talked about what shapes we could see in his art work. We then had a go at creating our own, thinking about which tools we would use. 


Autumn 1 Week 5 

We have had a busy week whilst Miss Jones has been on the Year 6 residential.  In Literacy, on Monday, an egg appeared in the classroom, we made predictions about who we thought might have left it.  We found a tag which said 'From Madam Dragon', who we thought might have left it. We then made a nest for the egg using sticks and leaves from the playground. We are hoping that the egg will hatch soon and we will find out what it inside - watch this space! 

Autumn 1 Week 4

We have been very busy in Year 1 this week! In Maths, we have continued to look at 2D shapes. We used DM sticks to create both open and closed shapes by following instructions. We had our first computing lesson and looked at how we could create a picture using an IPad. We created our own self portraits by using different tools such as a paint brush and took away any mistakes by using the back button. In Science we have continued to look at our five senses. This week we focussed on touch, we started by using a feely bag to talk about different items and then we went outside to find things which were soft, hard, rough and smooth! To finish off the week, in our art lesson, we finished our castles by painting them after drawing them last week. 

Autumn 1 Week 3 

This week in maths we have been looking at taking away. We have been using our cups to act out different maths stories and we have also had a go at using the actions to help us! In Literacy, we have been continuing to look at our model text Rapunzel. This week we have innovated our character and thought about what they look like. 

In science, we have started to look at the 5 senses, each week we will look at a different sense. This week we looked at sight. We talked about what we use to see and what it would be like if we couldn't see. We went outside and were put into 3 teams. For our first go we threw our beanbag with both eyes open, for the second we closed one eye and finally, we closed both. We talked about which we found easier and why. 

To finish our week we had a visit from Rock Steady. We had a fantastic time listening to all of the different instruments and even some of us had a go! 

Autumn 1 Week 2

We have had another busy week in Year 1! In Topic we learnt about William the Conqueror and the Battle of Hastings. We had a slow motion battle in the playground and William's army took over the castle. 
In Literacy, we were introduced to our model text 'Rapunzel', we found some items left in our classroom and made some predictions on who we thought may have them! In Maths, we have been using our cups to answer addition maths stories. We have enjoyed using actions to help us to tell the stories! 
In Science, we have continued to look at the human body, our focus for this half term. We used post it notes to label different body on our friends! 

Autumn 1 Week 1 

We have had a fantastic first week in Year 1! We have been getting used to our new routines, where we sit and our classroom. As an introduction to our new Topic this half term 'Castles, Knights and Dragons' we have been thinking about what a castle looks like, and who we might find in a castle. We also did some painting which we will display in our classroom. In Maths, we have been looking at our number formation and our number bonds to 10! We loved using the numicon to help us find as many ways as we could to make 10. 
In Literacy, we have been reading the 'Colour Monster' and have been thinking about the different emotions and what makes us happy and sad. Next week, we will start our new book linked to our Topic. 
