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Orchard Primary

& Pre-School

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Orchard Primary & Pre-School

"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"

This half term we are learning...

Spring 1 Topic Knowledge Organiser

Maths Knowledge Organiser

Autumn 2 Topic Knowledge Organiser

Maths Knowledge Organiser

PSCHE & R.E. Knowledge Organiser

Autumn 1 Topic Knowledge Organiser

Autumn 1 Maths Knowledge Organiser

Autumn 1 PSCHE and RE

Summer 2 Topic Knowledge Organisers

Maths Knowledge Organisers Summer 2

Topic Knowledge Organiser Summer 1

Maths Knowledge Organiser Summer 1

Topic Knowledge Organiser Spring 2

Maths Knowledge Organiser Spring 2

Topic Knowledge Organiser Spring 1

Maths Knowledge Organiser Spring 1

PSCHE and RE Spring 1

Autumn 2 Topic Knowledge Organisers

Autumn 2 Maths Knowledge Organisers

Autumn 1 Topic Knowledge Organisers

Autumn 1 Maths Knowledge Organisers

Autumn 1 PSCHE and RE Knowledge Organiser

Summer 2 Topic Knowledge Organiser

Summer 2 Maths Topic Knowledge Organiser

Summer 1 Topic Knowledge Organiser

Summer 1 Maths Knowledge Organiser

Summer 1 R.E. / PSCHE Knowledge Organiser

Summer 1 - Art

Spring 2 Topic Knowledge Organiser

Spring 2 Maths Knowledge Organiser

Spring 2 PSCHE and RE Knowledge Organiser

Victorian Experience

I am excited to announce that Year 2 will be having a Victorian visitor on Monday 9th of January. We will learn what it was like to be a Victorian with a hands on experience linked to our focus Heroine, Grace Darling.  To immerse ourselves fully we are asking the children to dress in Victorian school clothes for the day; below is an example for ideas. At this expensive time of year please don't  feel like you have to purchase an outfit, replacing your standard Orchard Primary top with a white shirt / top  as well as the normal school clothing (grey socks, polished shoes, grey shorts / skirt / dress) will be perfect. Anything additional you have / make (e.g. a flat cap or bonnet) will be a bonus! Thank you, Mr Bayliss. :) 

Spring 1 Topic Knowledge Organisers

Spring 1 Maths Knowledge Organisers

Autumn 2 Topic Knowledge Organisers

Autumn 2 Maths Knowledge Organisers

Autumn 2 PSCHE and RE

Autumn 1 Topic Knowledge Organisers

Autumn 1 Maths Knowledge Organisers

Autumn 1 PSCHE and RE
