Orchard Primary
& Pre-School

Orchard Primary & Pre-School
"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"
Warm up our maths today by practising counting to 100 and back again with Jack Hartman
Let's Get Fit | Count to 100 | Jack Hartmann - YouTube
Today, we are recapping coins.
See how many coins you can remember in these slides. Click on the box with the question mark to show the coin. Try and remember what the value of the coin is. Is it a 1p or a 10p or £1? Click on the box again for the answer. Practise several times to help you remember.
Open this document and see how many different combinations of coins you can use to make 10p? How many different ways can you make 10p? What is the fewest number of coins you can use?
As a extra challenge, can you add up different combinations of coins to make 20p? How many different ways can you make 10p? What is the fewest number of coins you can use?
Today, we're recapping the i-e split digraph.
Can you sound out these words? Can you spot the special friends?
Now see if you can write the words, without looking at the screen, sounding them out using your Fred Fingers.
Red Words
Read the following red words. Which parts of each word are the hardest?
Look at each word, cover it up or look away from the screen and try writing it down.
Alien words
Read each of these alien words. Look out for the special friends. Remember, these are not real words so be careful to sound out each one. Use your Fred Fingers to help you sound out and blend each word.
This year is a very special year for Great Britain. Our Queen is celebrating her platinum jubilee. She has been Queen for 70 years, making her the longest reigning monarch (a monarch is a king or queen) in British history. The Queen and her Platinum Jubilee are our topic for this half-term. We are going to write a factfile about her life.
Watch this video about her life and listen out for some facts about the Queen's life: Who is Queen Elizabeth II? | Fun Facts for Kids | Educational Videos: US History for Students - YouTube
When and where was she born?
Who were her parents?
Who did she marry and when?
When did she become Queen?
When was she crowned?
Does she have any children?
Now try writing at least three sentences with three facts about her life. For example, 'The Queen was born in.......'. You can print off this factfile template to write on and use the word bank to help. If you aren't able to print if off, use paper at home but you can still use the word bank on screen to help you spell. Write your sentences in the 'Who is the Queen' box (we will write about where she lives tomorrow).