Orchard Primary
& Pre-School
Orchard Primary & Pre-School
"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"
Mathematics Curriculum Planning Overview
Mathematics |
1 |
To know and use numbers |
2 |
To add and subtract |
3 |
To multiply and divide |
4 |
To know and use geometric facts |
5 |
To represent geometric constructions |
6 |
To use measures |
7 |
To handle data |
8 |
To understand and use ratio |
9 |
To reason with maths |
10 |
To use and apply mathematics |
Year 1
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Calculate and record addition and subtraction maths stories to 20 Add and subtract 1/2 and 1/4 Use facts to 10 to create addition and subtraction maths stories about 0, 00 and 000 (using what we know) |
Copy and solve vertical addition and subtraction (up to 3 digit numbers) |
Copy and solve vertical addition and subtraction (up to 4 digit numbers)
Independently write and solve vertical addition and subtraction with 2 digit numbers (not bridging) |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: To be taught during Daily Practice - Ninja Maths |
Add and subtract one and two-digit numbers to 20 Use known facts to 10 Know facts to 6, 7, 8, 9 |
Read and write numbers to 100 Use known facts to 10 ( including 6, 7, 8 9) to calculate to 20
Use all known facts to 10 to calculate to 20 |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Draw lines and shapes with a ruler Make 2D shapes using decimetre sticks and find the perimeter Measure the length of lines in cm |
Make whole, half, quarter and three quarter turns Name 2D shapes: square, rectangle, triangle and circle, quadrilateral, pentagons and hexagons both regular and irregular and orientation |
Recognise and compare 1D, 2D and 3D shapes Name , describe and compare 3D shapes: cuboid, cube, pyramid and sphere Identify 2D faces on 3D shapes |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Use positional language: top/middle/bottom left/right |
Use positional vocabulary: left/right, top/middle/bottom, close/far, inside/outside, between/above |
Recognise shapes in different orientations and sizes |
Data and Measures
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Measure the length of shapes using dm Find the perimeter of shapes using dm Use actions: 1cm/1dm/1m and 1g/1kg understand the relationship eg Know that a dm = 10cms |
Measure and record length Say and write mass Compare weights Select coins for different amounts (not mixing pounds and pence)
Calculate change (not mixing pounds and pence) Draw hands on a clock face |
Additional National Curriculum guidance:
Use a range of measuring tools Measure and record using dm/cm, g/kg and l Compare measurement using vocabulary: long/short, heavier/ lighter, half full/quarter full, full/empty Recognise the value of coins and notes |
Read times: o’clock and half past Use time vocabulary: before, after, today, tomorrow, yesterday, seconds, minutes, hours, morning, afternoon, quicker/slower, earlier/later |
Arithmetic 2
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Calculate + and - maths stories Calculate x maths stories |
Calculate ÷ maths stories Calculate maths stories involving all four operations Calculate addition and subtraction maths stories involving whole, 1/2 and 1/4 |
Understand embellished and basic real-life stories Solve addition and subtraction word problems |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
+ and - using concrete objects(A1) and pictorial (A2) representation up to 10 x using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays 2s |
÷ using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays 2’s
x using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays 2s, 10s |
Solve problems using pictorial representations |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Write numbers 0-9 and record fractions accurately ½, ¼ Calculate + and - maths stories Use comparative language: bigger/smaller, equal to, difference between |
Create and draw basic and embellished real-life addition and subtraction stories |
Shade 1/2, 1/4 and 3/4 of a shape Months of the year Create a bar chart |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Understand language involved: add, altogether, total, take away, more than, less than |
Recognise ½ of a quantity, linked to halving and doubling |
Recognise and find 1/2 of an object, shape and quantity Recognise and find 1/4 of an object, shape and quantity |
Daily Practice
Count in ones along a number line Use positional vocabulary: top, bottom, left and write Count days and dates on a calendar Identify shapes: triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons and hexagons Draw straight lines between dots Read and write fractions: 1/2 and 1/4 Calculate totals of money up to 10p Recognise odd and even numbers Count movements on a number line |
Number bonds to 10 Number bonds to 20 Find 10 more or less than a number Fill in missing numbers Match coins to the price of an item Estimate number of objects using groups of 2, 5 and 10 Complete a flow diagram: + - x Compare times of the day Compare prices of objects |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: ESSENTIAL LEARNING |
Count forwards and backwards to and across 100 Read and write numbers to 20 Count in 2s Identify 1 more and 1 less than numbers to 20 Order numbers to 20 Double numbers to 10
Read and write numbers to 100 Count in 10s Identify 1 more and 1 less than numbers to 100 Order: first, second, third Order numbers 100 Create repeating patterns with objects and shapes Halve numbers to 20
Count in 5s Read and write numbers to 20 in numerals and words Order numbers Compare amounts: equal to, more than, less than, fewer than, most, least Know and order days of the week Know and order months of the year Know number bonds to 20 and related subtraction facts Solve missing number and symbol maths stories (result of deep understanding of number compliments) |
Year 2
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Calculate vertical + and - maths stories Calculate + - x and ÷ maths stories involving 1/2 and 1/4 Calculate vertical addition with one tricky column |
Complete vertical subtraction with one tricky column Solve addition and subtraction word problems |
Solve word problems involving all four operations Write horizontal maths stories vertically and solve with one tricky column |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Recall addition and subtraction facts to 20 Use language: sum and difference Recognise place value of each digit |
Partition in different ways (when teaching funny counting) e.g. 53=50+3 or 40+13 Use pictorial representations |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Make and name 2D shapes using dm and find the perimeter Identify lines of symmetry in 2D shapes Identify right angles
Describe the properties of 3D shapes: number of faces, vertices, edges and shape of faces Identify lines of symmetry in 2D shapes Identify angles
Recognise squares, rectangles & triangles in different orientations
Name 2D shapes: polygons, quadrilaterals, hexagon, pentagon, octagon Name special 2D shapes: isosceles triangle, equilateral triangle, right-angled triangle, rectangle, square Recognise 3D shapes: name prisms and pyramids Use nets for 3D shapes |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
2D shape properties: corner, sides, diagonal, vertical, horizontal, symmetry Rotation as a turn or in terms of right angles for 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 turns Rotate clockwise and anti-clockwise |
Name 3D shapes: cuboid, prism, cylinder, cone, pyramid Sort 3D shape Sort 2D shapes Patterns/sequences of shape in different orientations |
Name 2D and 3D shapes in different orientations |
Data and Measures
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Read times: o’clock, quarter past, half past, quarter to Draw the hands on a clock face Read and write digital times Select and use measuring tools |
Identify explicit and implicit information in grids and bar charts Measure length using cm, mm, dm, m Calculate change |
Interpret bar charts and pictograms Measure length in mm Read and write digital times |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Know the number of minutes in an hour and hours in a day Read and write time to 5 minutes Estimate and measure in mm, cm, m, g, kg, ml, l, oC Compare measurements using <>= and ‘twice as high’ ‘half as wide’ |
Use symbol £ and p separately Find combinations of coins to make totals Money word problems |
Pictograms and bar charts in units of 2, 5 and 10 Interpret tally charts and tables Construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and tables Compare and sequence intervals of time |
Arithmetic 2
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Identify maths stories and basic real-life story in embellished stories Identify implicit and explicit information
Partition numbers note Language: Tens ( t y ) Units ( cups) also as Ones interchangeably from this point onwards through K S2 Write mixed numbers Difference between Number sequences Number puzzles: totals of money, missing numbers, find ways to make a total |
Number puzzles: order numbers, create numbers, money puzzles, missing numbers and symbols Find 1/2 and 1/4 of numbers and objects Write numbers shown on an abacus Sort numbers using Carroll and Venn diagrams |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Find, name, write fractions of a length, shape, quantity: 1/2, 1/4, 3/4 ,2/4, 1/3 Recognise the equivalence of 2/4 and 1/2 |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Inverse of addition Commutative law Inverse of multiplication Grid method x and ÷ |
Solve word problems involving all four operations Type 1 and Type 2 division |
Select and use measuring tools Solve measuring word problems Type 1 and Type 2 multiplication Create x and ÷ maths stories about 0, 00 and 000 |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Solve missing number problems Use related facts e.g. 3+4=70 therefore 30+40=70 Use arrays |
Use pictorial representations |
Recall multiplication and division facts for 2, 5 and 10 times tables |
Daily Practice
Find 10 more or less than a number Find 20 more or less than a number Recall multiplication facts for 2, 5 and 10 times tables Know months of the year and number of days in each month Recall addition facts and corresponding subtraction facts Number bonds to 50 Use number line to add Number pairs with 2 digit totals Money SVDA Identify totals of money Read information from calendars Use calculator for all four operations Put events in chronological order |
Repeated addition and multiplication SVDA Repeated subtraction and division SVDA Missing number maths stories Compare numbers to 100 using <>= Find missing tens or unit number Add, subtract and multiply cumulatively Round numbers to the nearest 10 Estimate answers to calculations Estimate number of objects Compare time durations Create and describe number patterns Identify symmetrical patterns
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s forwards and backwards Read and write 0-100 in numerals and words Order numbers to 100 Add and subtract mentally a 2 digit number and ones/tens Add and subtract mentally two 2 digit numbers |
Recognise odd and even numbers Doubling and halving amounts to 100 Recognise doubling as x 2 and halving as ÷ Count in fractions to 10 (e.g. 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 1) Recognise odd and even numbers |
Year 3
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Calculate + and - maths stories involving mixed numbers Vertical + and - with tricky columns (TU) Calculate + - x and ÷ maths stories involving fifths |
Calculate + - x and ÷ maths stories involving fifths and sevenths Vertical + and - with tricky columns (TU) Calculate + - x and ÷ maths stories involving negative numbers |
Calculate + - x and ÷ maths stories involving negative numbers Calculate + - x and ÷ maths stories involving fifths and sevenths Vertical + and - with tricky columns (HTU) |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Recognise place value of each digit Partition in different ways e.g. 153=100+50+3 or 140+13 |
Solve problems involving fractions
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Investigate properties of lines Draw and measure lines Name polygons Distinguish between clockwise and anticlockwise Plot co-ordinates |
Identify degrees in 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 turns Draw angles multiples of 10o Use set squares to identify and draw right angles Recognise parallel and perpendicular lines Plot and draw lines |
Use a compass and ruler to draw triangles Compare and draw triangles specified by co-ordinates Identify pyramids and prisms from its net Recognise 3D shapes from 2D drawings Identify and draw types of triangles |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Recognise symmetrical and non-symmetrical polygons and polyhedra
Identify whether angles are right angles, acute or obtuse Identify horizontal and vertical lines |
Make 3D shapes using modelling material Recognise 3D shapes in different orientations |
Data and Measures
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Write digital times Calculate time differences and durations Use compass to draw and measure circles and hexagons |
Interpret data in grid, pie charts and bar charts Measure length and mass Calculate area, volume, length and perimeter of shapes |
Create and interpret tally charts and bar charts Calculate totals and difference between prices Estimate and measure mass and capacity Calculate are a and volume Solve area word problems |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Read digital 12-hour clocks Tell the time using Roman numerals Use vocabulary: o’clock, a.m., p.m., morning, afternoon, noon and midnight
Units of 2, 5 and 10 Interpret pictograms Solve one and two step problems e.g. how many more/fewer? Use mm/cm/m, g/kg and mixed units e.g. 1kg and 200g Compare measurements Add and subtract measurements |
Add and subtract money (mixed units) and record £ and p separately Calculate change |
Arithmetic 2
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Calculate fractions of quantities Solve word problems involving fractions of quantities |
Multiply TU X U using grid method Solve division word problems Express remainders as a fraction |
Use all four operations including tenths Calculate vertical + and - including decimals Write squares and square roots Identify the operation required to solve a word problem |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Compare and order fractions Equivalent fractions |
Identify number of tenths e.g. 34.2 2 tenths Count up and down in tenths
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Use vertical + and - to solve word problems Order numbers Solve x and ÷ word problems |
Multiply TU x U by partitioning Multiply TU x U using grid method Use inverse for division with remainders Write a ratio as a fraction |
Use known facts to calculate maths stories Identify fractions that add to 1 Calculate difference between fractions Partition numbers to solve maths stories involving all four operations1 Solve division word problems Odd and even numbers Calculate total cost and difference between prices Number puzzles |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Solve problems involving four times as high, eight times as long |
Daily Practice
Recall multiplication facts from 2, 5 and 10 times tables Recall multiplication facts from 3 and 4 times tables Recognise equivalences e.g. 2m=200cm Convert between g/kg, cm/dm/mm Multiply a 2, 3 and 4 digit multiple of 10 by a 1 digit number |
Convert between ml/l, mm/cm/dm/m Convert times between analogue and digital form Add and subtract money mentally Round numbers to the nearest 10 or 100
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Count in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 8s, 10s, 50s and 100s forwards and backwards Count forwards and backwards in tenths Recall division facts from 3, 4 and 8 times tables Find 10 more or less than a number Find 100 more or less than a number Read and write numbers to 1000 in numerals and words Compare and order numbers to 1000
Recognise acute, obtuse and right angles Identify horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular lines Know number of seconds in a minute Know number of days in each month Know number of days in a year and leap year Read analogue times to 5 minutes Read and write times to the nearest minute Add and subtract mentally a 3 digit number and ones/tens/hundreds |
Year 4
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Calculate maths stories for all four operations involving mixed numbers, halves and quarters Calculate maths stories for all four operations with vulgar fractions and negative numbers Read, write and convert between fractions and decimals Calculate maths stories for all four operations involving decimal fractions |
Calculate maths stories for all four operations involving fractions, mixed numbers and negative numbers Place value (4 digit numbers) Vertical + and - involving decimals Multiply TUxTU using grid method Divide HTU/TU by U using grid method |
Calculate percentages of whole number quantity Calculate decimal number percentages using a calculator Round decimal fractions Calculate + and - using negative numbers Multiply TUxTU using grid method Divide HTU/TU by U using grid method |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Compare and order decimals (up to 2dp) Identify number of hundredths e.g. 34.12 12 hundredths |
Multiply HTU x U using grid method Use distributive law e.g. 39x7=30x7+9x7 |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Draw objects in a mirror line Use a protractor to draw angles Identify angles |
Use vocabulary for circles accurately Draw shapes using a compass Label axes (positive and negative) Draw shapes on axes Name lines of symmetry |
Draw triangles using a compass Measure angles using a protractor Draw acute and obtuse angles |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Compare and order angles |
Describe position on a grid as coordinates Describe movements as translations Identify regular and irregular polygons Identify lines of symmetry in different orientations Complete a simple symmetric figure |
Data and Measures
Autumn Spring Summer |
Read metric prefixes for length, mass Calculate the circumference of circle Calculate equivalent fractions and volume Find the mean Calculate fractions of quantities using Compare metric units equivalent fractions Read metric equivalences using decimal Use ratio to convert measurements point Calculate area and volume |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Measure using a range of units Recognise equivalent fractions e.g. 6/9 = 2/3 Convert between units of measure Measure and calculate perimeter |
Not explicitly covered in maths lessons, but needs to be taught perhaps in thematic or science:
Arithmetic 2
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Multiply TUxTU using grid method Calculate one step word problems involving all four operations Use a calculator to solve one step measure word problems involving decimals |
Group calculations to solve maths stories Solve measure word problems Solve word problems involving decimal quantities |
Solve percentage word problems Solve fraction and percentage word problems involving all four operations Round decimals |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Solve two step addition and subtraction word problems |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Read and write numbers up to billions Read and write powers of 10 Use known facts to calculate x and ÷ maths stories |
Mentally x three 1 digit numbers Use index notation for powers of 10 Multiply three numbers with a decimal fraction using a calculator |
Identify terms Use algebraic expressions |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Recognise the place value of each digit Derive fact e.g. 600÷3=200 can be derived from 2x3=6 |
Daily Practice
Round to the nearest 10 and 100 Recall multiplication and division facts up to 100 Convert m to cm, kg to g and ml to l Find 1 more or less than any number (positive and negative) Convert between decimal and vulgar fractions Convert pence to pound Convert time analogue and digital Recall multiples of 8, 9 and 10 Give factors of 4, 10, 12 and 15 Convert mm to m and pounds to pence |
Recall multiples of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 Give factors of 1, 5, 7, 9 Give factors of 12, 15, 16 and 18 Find common equivalent fractions Give multiples of 5, 7, 8 and 10 Give factors of 10, 15, 18, 20, 24 and 25 Convert between decimals and fractions for tenths, hundredths and thousandths Convert between miles and km |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25 and 1000 Find 1000 more or less than a given number Count forwards and backwards (negative numbers) Order and compare numbers beyond 1000 Round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000 Read Roman numerals to 100 Recall multiplication and division facts up to 12x12 Compare amounts of money in pounds and pence (using decimal notation) |
Recognise and use factor pairs up to 144 Count up and down in hundredths Recognise and write decimal equivalents to Compare and order decimals (up to 2dp) Classify triangles: equilateral, isosceles, scalene Classify quadrilaterals: parallelogram, rhombus, trapezium |
Year 5
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Vertical + and - with more than one tricky column Calculate + - x ÷ maths stories involving vulgar fractions and mixed numbers Vertical + and—decimals with more than one tricky column Multiply vulgar fractions |
Use fractions as divisions Convert vulgar fractions to finite decimal Use four operations with positive and negative numbers (bring forward from MM S6 A 1 B3)
Multiply TUxTU using grid method Multiply HTUxTU with decimals using grid method |
Divide HTU÷U using grid method Multiply and divide decimals (up to 3dp) by multiples of powers of 10 Use derived products to calculate x and ÷ |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Identify the value of each digit Order and compare fractions and decimals Recognise and use thousandths |
Multiply THTUxTU/U Multiply by 10, 100 and 1000 |
Divide THTU÷U using grid method Divide by 10, 100 and 1000 Interpret remainders as fractions, decimals or rounding |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Investigate properties of shape and symmetry Name and draw angles: acute, obtuse, reflex and right Name and calculate vertically opposite and supplementary angles Draw angles using a protractor |
Calculate the circumference and area of a circle Explore the properties of angles |
Investigate angles of polygons Recognise, name and sketch polygons Identify properties of polygons |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Estimate and compare angles Use markings for parallel lines and right angles |
Use properties of rectangles to find missing lengths and angles Distinguish between regular and irregular shapes |
Data and Measures
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Solve measure word problems involving all four operations and percentage increase/decrease Investigate 3D shapes Convert metric and imperial units Read scales |
Interpret a calendar and timetable Use time durations in calculations and word problems Construct a bar chart Find the mode Draw and interpret distance-time graphs Round measures |
Use ratio to convert between units of measure Estimate area of regular and irregular shapes Calculate the perimeter and the area of compound shapes (From MMS6 DM B5 for earlier SATs experience) Calculate time durations Solve time word problems |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Explain operations and methods when solving problems Convert between fractions, decimals and percentages |
Solve comparison, sum and difference problems about a line graph |
Calculate perimeter in cm and m Compare area of shapes using cm2 and m2 Estimate volume and capacity Express missing measures algebraically |
Arithmetic 2
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Complete missing number grids and sentences Complete number sequences involving square numbers Solve one and two step word problems Use <≤>≥ Investigate factors and proper factors |
Use divisibility tests Investigate factors and proper factors Identify prime numbers (0-100) Write numbers as a product of their prime factors Investigate factors |
Evaluate terms and products in expressions including brackets |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Find common factors of two numbers Understand term: factor, multiple, square and cube number Use notation (2) and (3) |
Use vocabulary: prime number, prime factors, composite (non-prime) number |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Write and convert times using 24 hour notation Calculate time duration (24 hour) Solve algebraic equations |
Solve measure and fraction problems by exploring relationships Solve one, two and three step money problems Solve puzzles by calculating quantities |
Carry out investigations involving shape, number and real-life situations Use timetables Calculate durations: difference between, total and mean Calculate equivalences and fractions of periods of time |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Solve problems involving decimals |
Daily Practice
Add and subtract money Recall multiplication and division facts (up to 12x12) Give multiples of all times tables Give factors Identify value of digits (including decimals) Convert times 12 hour to 24 hour Convert measures g to kg, l to ml, cm to m, km to m Convert fractions to decimals |
Calculate time durations Find equivalent fractions Order decimal fractions using a number line Convert between fractions, decimals and percentages Round to the nearest 100 Find the mode and median of a data sample Multiply and divide by 15 and 20 |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Read and write numbers to 1 000 000 Order numbers to 1 000 000 Compare numbers to 1 000 000 Count forwards or backwards in steps of 100, 1000 and 10000 Count forwards and backwards (negative numbers) Round numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000 Count forwards and backwards in decimals and fractions Mentally add and subtract large numbers e.g. 12462- 2300=10162 Recall prime numbers to 19 Recognise years written in Roman numerals |
Round decimals to the nearest whole number Order and compare fractions Order and compare decimals Mentally add and subtract tenths Add and subtract decimals finding complements of 1 e.g. 0.83+0.17 Recognise and use square roots and square numbers Read Roman numerals to 1000 |
Year 6
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Multiply HTUxTU using grid method Estimate the value of products by rounding including decimals Divide THTU÷U using grid method Estimate the value of quotients, including decimals, by rounding |
Use equivalent fractions in calculations using all four operations Calculate all four operations using negative numbers and vulgar fractions (using equivalent fractions and improper fractions with tricky examples)
From MMS 6 A1 B6 Write a vulgar fraction as a decimal fraction to three decimal places, using a calculator for division, e.g. 7/11 = .636
From MMS 6 A1 B6 Convert decimal fractions to vulgar fractions using tenths, hundredths and thousandths, e.g. .625 = 625/1000
Use the formulae for diameter, circumference and area ( not needed for SATs) of a circle Use the formulae for area and volume Convert between decimal fractions and vulgar fractions Write recurring infinite decimals in abbreviated forms
Calculate all four operations using negative numbers (moves from MMS6 A1 B4 not needed for SATs
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Multiply 1 digit number with 2dp by whole numbers Divide decimal numbers by U Interpret remainders as whole numbers, fractions or by rounding Identify the value of each digit |
Compare and order fractions When calculating with fractions write answers in its simplest form Divide proper fractions by whole numbers |
Illustrate and name parts of a circle: radius, diameter and circumference Associate a fraction with division |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Fund the sum of interior and exterior angles of a polygon Recognise reflection, translation, enlargement and rotation Name transformations of shapes |
Measure angles Measure length Draw images and complete shapes using lines of reflection Calculate angles in isosceles triangle Sort quadrilaterals Complete coordinates of shapes Identify and write the order of rotational symmetry |
Calculate the interior, exterior and missing angles Draw the perpendicular lines Draw the bisector of an angle Draw the circum-circle of a triangle Draw the in-circle of a triangle |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Draw and translate simple shapes and reflect them in axes |
Draw 2D shapes using given dimensions and angles Recognise, describe and build 3D shapes including making nets Compare and classify geometric shapes Draw and label a pair of axes in all four quadrants Describe positions on the full co-ordinate grid |
Find unknown angles: triangles, quadrilaterals and regular polygons |
Data and Measures
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Solve measuring word problem using km, ml, l, g and kg Draw a pie chart |
Solve problems involving ratio and proportion Read scales (mass) Compare weighing scales Construct and interpret frequency tables, bar charts and pie charts Plan and carry out a survey using discrete and grouped data |
Convert between yards and metres Calculate perimeter and area of compound shapes Calculate surface area and volume of cuboids Solve problems with cuboids Understand the golden ratio Calculate ratios and use ratios to construct shapes Collect, organise, select and present information |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Solve problems involving conversion between units Solve money problems Link percentages of 360o to calculating angles of pie charts |
Compare quantities using the notation a:b Solve problems involving the relative sizes of two quantities Convert measurements using decimal notation up to 3dp Construct line graphs |
Convert between miles and km Know approximate conversions Recognise shapes can have same area but different perimeter and vice versa Calculate the area of parallelograms and triangles Estimate and compare volumes: cm3, m3, mm3, km3 |
Arithmetic 2
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Multiply HTUxTU using short method Divide HTUxTU using short method with remainders Convert between fractions, decimals and percentages |
Ratio of quantities Write a quantity as a fraction or percentage of the total quantity Solve word problems by involving percentage increase/decrease Solve money problems using all four operations Add and subtract squares and cubes of numbers Calculate products |
Use algebraic notation for the sum, difference, product, and quotient of two numbers Find the greatest or smallest sums, difference, products and quotients of two numbers within a possible range Calculate products Solve number puzzles involving algebraic terms Identify and divide numbers by their factors |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Interpret remainders as whole numbers, fractions or by rounding |
Express missing number problems algebraically |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Calculate mean, median, mode and range Probability |
Interpret a distance-time graph Interpret a temperature-time graph Identify terms and products in expressions Evaluate expressions with and without brackets |
Solve linear equations that involve one operation with whole and decimal numbers Express vulgar fractions as percentages |
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Construct line graphs Explore the order of operations using brackets |
Enumerate possibilities of combinations of two variables |
Daily Practice
Recall multiplication and division facts (up to 12x12) Multiply by 15 Round numbers to 1dp Write factors and multiples of given numbers Convert between m and km, cm and m, cm and mm, ml and l and g and kg Find a fraction or percentage of whole number Calculate time duration Calculate angles in a triangle
Convert between fractions, decimals and percentages Multiply by 25 Multiply and divide pairs of multiples of 10 and 100 Find equivalent fractions Round numbers to 2dp Write a number as product of its prime factor Round numbers to 3dp
Additional National Curriculum guidance: |
Read and write numbers to 10 000 000 Order numbers to 10 000 000 Compare numbers to 10 000 000 Round numbers with accuracy (nearest 10, 20, 50 etc.) Count forwards and backwards (negative numbers)
Use the four operations mentally Identify common factors, common multiples and prime numbers Partition decimals to 3dp Mentally add and subtract negative numbers Compare and order fractions including fractions >1