Orchard Primary
& Pre-School

Orchard Primary & Pre-School
"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"
Summer 2, Week 4
This week in ICT we have been learning about digital animation. We have been learning how to move characters (called sprites), how to programme sequences of movements and how to change and delete them. In science we have been learning about our sense of smell. We have smelling different things and seeing if we can identify them.
Summer 2, Week 5
This week we have been learning about subtraction facts related to number bonds to 20. We used hoops and beanbags to create a giant part-whole model and practised adding and subtracting number pairs to 20.
This week, as part of our topic on the Queen and her Platinum Jubilee, we recreated the Queen's 1953 Coronation in Pershore Abbey. We learnt about what happens in a Coronation. In maths, we looked at place value to help us with vertical addition and subtraction. We also continued to learn how to solve word problems in maths, breaking down a word problem to help us choose the correct operation to solve it. In Literacy we wrote letters to the Queen.
This week in Geography, we learnt how to use an Atlas and found out what the four countries of the UK are! We continued our dance lessons in P.E and had fun learning moves for a traditional barn dance that normally happens in the season of Autumn! We also did a simple test in Science to see which materials would be suitable to fix an umbrella - we decided we needed something flexible, waterproof and light!
This week we have been busy learning about the cardinal directions: North, South, East and West! We also listened to a fable called 'The North Wind and The Sun' and discussed all the different types of weather we could hear about. We lined up in two groups and pretended to be the wind and sun. Each time we heard a word relating to our group we would do the right action! E.g. if we heard breeze, we would blow really lightly!
In History this week we looked at what it would have been like in a Victorian house a long time ago! We went through some old photos and spotted things like gas lamps, patterned wallpaper and fireplaces in each room.
In this week's dance lesson, we looked at the season 'Spring'! We watched 'Singin' in the rain' and worked in partners to put together moves that we later performed to the rest of the class in unison. We pretended to splash, stomp, kick and jump! In Topic we were thinking about materials and created some collages - we thought about whether or not certain materials could be ripped, torn, scrunched or if we had to cut them using scissors.
This week we did lots of adding up to 10 and we pretended to be weather presenters, describing different types of weather. We were also thinking about weather and the seasons in our P.E lessons, where we came up with dance moves and poses inspired by winter ice skating - we jumped, made shapes and did lots of spins!
During our first week of Year 1, we explored some different materials, such as plastic, fabric and metal. We learnt about different kinds of weather and used chalk outside to make some weather predictions for next week! We also read the story 'The Three Little Pigs' and made some finger puppets of the main characters, so we could practice acting out parts of the story!