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Orchard Primary

& Pre-School

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Orchard Primary & Pre-School

"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"

Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!


Your Class Teacher is Miss Jones


Useful Information:


The children will have P.E every week! Full P.E kits with suitable footwear (trainers) are required and can be kept safe on the children’s pegs; they can be taken home at the end of each week for washing but please ensure these are brought in again on Monday morning and kept in school during the week. Please make sure that all school uniform and P.E kits are clearly labelled to avoid losing or misplacing items. We will try to hold P.E outdoors whenever possible, so during the winter months your child would benefit from also having a pair of joggers and a jumper/hoody to keep them warm. Any children wearing earrings will need to either take these off or cover them with tape during any P.E sessions for safety.


In Year 1 we are encouraging the children to become more independent in all areas, this means that they are expected to independently change themselves when possible – we ask if you could please support this at home by encouraging them to dress themselves and use their own initiative.


Water Bottles:

All children must bring a named water bottle to school each day please.



As we go into the colder months of the year, please can you ensure your child is provided with a warm, winter coat so that they can still enjoy their playtime out on the playground whatever the weather! Please also ensure these are labelled with names clearly.


Book Bags:

Children should bring in their book bags to keep any letters and reading books safe. The children will be given a new reading record at the beginning of term where we encourage you note the occasions that your child reads at home - this can be a book from school or home. Two class books will be sent home with your child initially and records checked each week; once we've acknowledged that a book has been read, we will do our best to change this as soon as possible, according to the appropriate book band colour for your child. Each week, the children will take part in a group guided reading session and also take home a copy of the book they've discussed - reading this at home again will help increase their understanding and fluency. They will also be given the opportunity to occasionally take out Library books.


If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to ask me during pick up time at the end of the day or book an appointment via the school office!


Thank you for your support 


Miss Jones 
