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Orchard Primary

& Pre-School

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Orchard Primary & Pre-School

"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"

Welcome to Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

Our Class Teacher in Year 6 is Mrs Ladds. Mrs Groom will be working with us everyday and in some afternoons, we will be working with Mrs Marks and Mrs Swoosh.

The adults in Year 6 are available to chat and answer your questions before registration each morning and at the end of the school day. However if you feel you need more time to talk, please feel free to make an appointment - face to face or virtual meetings can be arranged by contacting the School Office.

Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support - The Year 6 Team :)

Useful Information

What does my child need to bring to school?

Every day children will require: a water bottle filled with water (although squash may be drunk at lunchtime), a waterproof coat and a rucksack or Orchard Primary bookbag. Within this they will need their homework book, school planner and a reading book.


At the start of each half term they will need to bring in their PE kit, in an appropriate bag, and leave it in school for the duration of the half term, so it is not forgotten or left at home. Within their PE kit, they will need an Orchard Primary logo PE top, appropriate bottoms (black or navy shorts/skort or jogging bottoms to choose dependent on the weather), PE pumps or suitable trainers and an additional pair of socks. Boys and girls will change separately.


We will be setting the children a '10 Minute Challenge' to complete each day at home. This will include a range of different activities to support your child's learning in school. More information can be found on our Homework page.  In addition, we do still ask that your child reads and practises their spellings along with their numeracy fluency target (times tables) each day as this will have a significant impact on their learning.



Weekly spelling will be sent home every Friday and ‘checked’ (tested) the following Friday. Spelling sheets will be collected in and a record kept of their weekly score.



All children are expected to read regularly (at least 3 times a week) and keep an up to date record in their ‘School Planner'. Planners will be collected in everyday, although we will still check reading and homework on a daily basis. 


Internet Safety:

A big focus this year will be learning how to stay safe online. Important information and updates will be sent where necessary and the following websites also have lots of information:

We use the child friendly search engine 'Kiddle' when carrying out research in school and recommend that the children do the same when they are online at home (link below).Please make sure you supervise your child while they are online and do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions.


Maths Fluency Targets:

This half term Year 6 will be revisiting their times tables, up to 12 x 12. We really appreciate your support and encouragement with this as it is important that the children are revisiting these regularly at home as well as in school. Please use the following link for our Maths Fluency page which has lots of great links and games to help



We will be continuing to use MarvellousMe to keep you informed of your child's learning and achievements in school. If you have any questions or would like help in accessing the app then please do not hesitate to ask.


PSHE and Sex and Relationships Education:

Schools are required to provide a programme of sex and relationships education (SRE). As part of our PSHE curriculum we will be covering age appropriate SRE lessons. In Year 6 the children will begin their sex and relationship education in a more formal and detailed way. A range of topics will be covered including respect for themselves and others, recognising and managing peer pressure, names of the body parts and how the body changes as they approach puberty. 


We will be providing facilities for the girls in the toilets and will keep a stock of emergency supplies if they are needed.


KS2 SATs take place in May each year and take place over 4 days. During the year, children will be well-prepared for these tests and staff will always be on hand to answer any queries. The tests include: Reading, Grammar and Punctuation, Spelling, Arithmetic and Reasoning.


More information is available under the separate tab of this class page.

How can I help my child in Year 6?

Although we are encouraging greater independence in the children, it is really important that parents/carers continue to:


  • Talk to your child about their daily experiences.
  • Listen to your child read regularly.
  • Practice their times tables with them.
  • Support them with their homework, providing a quiet space and encouraging them to be organised by setting a routine for doing it.
  • Encourage your child to take responsibility, eg packing their own bag for school.