Orchard Primary
& Pre-School
Orchard Primary & Pre-School
"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"
Spring 1 Week 1
This week we had Egyptian Day. This included a variety of activities including making clay figures like the Egyptians, dressing like them and playing games. It was a good start to our topic. We have started Flat Stanley, The Great Egyptian Robbery in our reading which links with this terms topic.
Autumn 2 - Week 4
This week we have explored how rivers form the land in Topic and completed our display posters. The children have completed their information leaflets on the Danube river and wowed us with their excellent handwriting and use of fronted adverbials! In Reading, we have also practised performing poetry.
Autumn 2 - Week 3
This week, we developed our confidence solving word problems in Maths, made great progress with innovating our own information leaflets on the Amazon River and even had time to explore the snow! We especially enjoyed learning to create our own stop motion animations in Computing.
Autumn 2 - Week 1
In our first week back, we have started to identify and observe differences in rocks in Science, recapped our knowledge of adding and subtracting fractions in Maths, and we made the walls to our Neolithic Homes in DT. We have also explored 'Information Texts' about rivers in Literacy which will help us prepare for our Geography lessons in Topic.
Autumn 1 - Week 7
What an exciting week! We made clay mammoths to inspire our instruction writing and had a school trip to Bishop's Wood for a Stone Age experience.
During out trip we went back in time and enjoyed throwing spears at wooden animals, gathering, making a house out of willow, making fire, making shelters and more!
Autumn 1 - Week 6
This week we learnt about the Neolithic Stone Age. We explored how the life of early humans changed as they learnt to farm animals, grow crops and weave. We acted out the difference between nomadic hunter gatherers and neolithic farmers.
Autumn 1 - Week 3
We were excited this week to explore and ask questions about Stone Age artefacts from the museum! The children asked interesting questions such as:
How did Stone Age people make clothes?
How did they make these tools?
Which flint piece was used on a spear?
We also used the artefacts as evidence to help us answer questions. For example, we learnt that Stone Age people made clothes using a needle made from bone to sew animal hide together.
Autumn 1 - Week 2
This week Year 3 used their Design and Technology skills to create their own version of a neolithic Stone Age home! This activity was completed with very little support to see what creative ideas our students could come up with. We are proudly displaying our neolithic homes in our classroom! We have also started to learn our story 'Stone Age Boy' through performing! A stone age girl even visited our classroom!
Autumn 1 - Week 1
We have had an exciting start to our term learning all about the Stone Age! Year 3 have explored just how long 900,000 years ago was by walking the timeline as a class... we walked a very long way! We read our text for our Talk for Writing topic 'Stone Age Boy' and discussed what it would be like to travel back to the Stone Age. Then, we explored painting like a cave person, as we made Stone Age paint using soil, berries and oil and painted in our very own class cave.