Orchard Primary
& Pre-School
Orchard Primary & Pre-School
"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"
Who is in our Classroom?
In Year 3 Mrs Rigby is the class teacher and we also have Mrs Hadley and Mrs Poole working alongside for groupwork and interventions.
What does my child need to bring to school?
Everyday children will require: a water bottle, a waterproof coat and an Orchard Primary book bag. Within your book bag you will need your reading diary and a library book.
At the start of each half term it is also recommended that you bring your PE kit, in an appropriate bag, and leave it in school for the duration of the half term. Within your PE kit you will need an Orchard Primary PE top, appropriate bottoms (shorts and jogging bottoms to choose dependent on the weather), PE pumps and an additional pair of socks.
What will be different in Year 3?
Our PE sessions this year will be on a Thursday and children will require their own PE kits to participate, and we will not be able to borrow from others.
How many of the homework tasks does my child need to do?
There is a suggested weekly homework task, called our 10 Minute Challenges. This task, which will involve times table practice, a Maths or SPAG activity and a Topic related activity, will always assist with the learning completed that week in school or extend it. I do not expect every task to be completed, however I feel the more completed the greater enthusiasm and involvement in the topic.
The children will also be receiving weekly spelling words for a test on them the following week (On Friday).
Both the homework task sheet and the spelling words will be sent home on a Friday with the children but will also be sent home digitally in the 'Homework' section of our Year 3 class page on the school website.
I do expect this year that we continue reading at home, preferably 5 times a week. This can be any book but reading the guided reading book is recommended a couple of times a week as it will assist discussions in class. We will be again checking diaries weekly and rewarding children for reaching certain quantities.