Orchard Primary
& Pre-School

Orchard Primary & Pre-School
"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"
This month we celebrated the achievements of: Jemima, Frankee and Isabel (Level 4 Gymnastics), Sasha (Level 1 Gymnastics), Riley (Ducklings Award Grade 4 and 5m Award), Harry (good progress in swimming), Joseph (Swimming Stage 5) and Emma (showing talent in dance, singing and drama at Stagecoach).
Mrs Bitcon also handed out invitations to her Tea Party next week to all the children who had achieved "80 reads".
Mr Komor was also very proud of Evie, Millie, Farah, Alex, Tyler, Cole, Connie, Stanley, Charlie, Ed and Lexi who have been having piano lessons since the beginning of term and gave a short performance to show off their new skills. Evie then played Happy Birthday with Mrs Bitcon to celebrate all the January birthdays!