Orchard Primary
& Pre-School

Orchard Primary & Pre-School
"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"
This morning we were very pleased to celebrate the achievements of the following children: Katie (Stage 2 swimming and 10m distance award), Luke (Stage 3 swimming), Alice (Stage 4 swimming), Malia (Stage 4 swimming), Milo (Stage 5 swimming), Frankee (Gold Star in gymnastics for listening and working hard), Carla (Gold Star in gymnastics for working hard), Isabel (Gold Star in gymnastics for working hard at her gym), Jemima (Gold Star in gymnastics for working hard at her gym work), Anya (Gold Star in gymnastics for her front somi on the trampette) and Emily (Gold Star for good gymnastics work).
Mrs Orban handed out Attendance Awards to 70 children who attended school every day during the last half-term! Year 4 children will be presented with their certificates when they return from the Residential Trip.
We also celebrated the birthdays of all the children with February birth dates!
Congratulations everyone, we are very proud of you all. Thank you also to all our parents who came to our Assembly.