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Orchard Primary

& Pre-School

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Orchard Primary & Pre-School

"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"


Music is something that we love doing in Pre-school and it can really boost children's confidence; it is also something that can be shared with the whole family. In Pre-school we love to sing our favourite nursery rhymes like Old MacDonald and Incy Wincy Spider; we also love to listen to music while we are having our lunch.

Here are some fun ideas for you to try at home with your children: 


Sharing favourite nursery rhymes 

Making nursery rhyme spoons 

Using different materials to play music, for example pots, pans, spoons, boxes etc 

Using your body to make noises, for example tongue, teeth, hands, feet etc

Making instruments, for example pasta into empty plastic bottles etc

Listening to music around the house 

Making up your own songs for jobs around the house 

