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Orchard Primary

& Pre-School

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Orchard Primary & Pre-School

"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"

Understanding the World

The world that we live in is an amazing place and it is important that children are exposed to these amazing things. This can be looking at flowers, birds, animals, vehicles, buildings etc. While the children are learning from home they can be looking at a lot of things to do with the world. Here are some ideas that may help you: 



Names of animals

Where do different animals live? Forest? Jungle? Under the sea?

Naming different categories of animals 

What do these animals look like? Size, colour, pattern 

Names of their babies e.g. lambs, kittens, puppies 


People and Communities 

Talking about the jobs the adults in their families have 

Talking about other jobs people have e.g. fireman, nurse, doctor, baker 

Looking at photos, who can they see? Name family members 

Talk about what makes you the same and different from other people 


The World 

Talk about what they can see outside eg puddles, leaves 

Talk about places they like to go, e.g. park, swimming pool 

Talk about why things happen and how things work e.g. where does the water go when it goes down the plughole?

Plant some seeds in the garden or in a pot in the house. Look at how they grow. What do they need to grow?

