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Orchard Primary & Pre-School

"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"

Butterfly's 'Very Important Play'- Weekly Photographs

Summer 2 w.c 15.07.24

This week..... we graduated! We had our Pre-School graduation and sports day, the children were amazing and did so well in their races! they completed the egg and spoon race, balanced bean bags, jumped through hoops and balanced bean bags on rackets, they each got a medal! Then the children who are going to school came through the golden tunnel and collected their leavers pack then we had a picnic in the garden. We are so proud of all the children and wish the children going into reception the best of luck and can't wait to see them walking down the path in their uniforms in September. 

Summer 2 w.c 08.07.24

This week at Woodland explorers we followed a treasure maps to find hidden animals in the trees, we had to follow the clues and look for the numbers. We also made our own lemonade in the tuft tray using lemon slices. We explored oranges and lemons using juicers to squeeze all the juice out then used the pieces to create drinks in the water tray. We have been talking lots about big school and for the children going to school have been getting ready for our last week at Pre-School

Summer 2 w.c 01.07.24

This week we have been exploring all things ice cream! We made our own chocolate ice cream, we measured out the ingredients mixed them together and talked about what it would need to set. We explored an ice cream messy tray outside with rice sprinkles, we mixed the different colours into different cups and containers. We found the letters of our names and put them together on the ice cream templates. We did some water painting around the garden and enjoyed making obstacle courses. At Woodland explorers we created lots of experiments, mixing the ingredients and made fizzy potions, we added nature finds to them. We made our own forest phone using cups and string which we used to talk to our friends. We also made some starfish pizzas, we used a star cutter to cut the base then put the toppings on.

Summer 2 w.c 24.06.24

This week we have been making lots of links to Under the Sea. We made fruit turtles, using knives to cut the grapes and find the seeds from kiwis, we explored numicon in the blue water, using tweezers and pom poms to count. We made our own collages decorating sea creatures and saved the animals from plastic in the ocean. Some of the sea creatures were trapped in the ice! We used paintbrushes and talked about how we could melt the ice. Outside we painted ice balloons using water paints. We painted our own sharks, mixing colours together and talking about the parts of a shark. We did some p.e on the field practising holding a beanbag on our heads, running through a hula hoop and using an egg and spoon. At Woodland explorers we planted sweet peas, we used a trowel to scoop the compost, added the seeds and used the watering can to water them, we can't wait to watch them grow! We explored finding nature finds and exploring the forest with our friends.

Summer 2 w.c 17.06.24

This week we have continued our learning of 'Under the sea', we have painted and created jellyfish using lots of different materials and used shells in the playdough. We filled our own ice cream cones with ice cream and decorated them with sprinkles, the children then ate them before they melted! At Woodland explorers we used colour frames to find different colours in the woods, we found different coloured leaves, trees, and flowers. Then we looked for minibeasts and spotted them on our frames. We grew beans earlier in the week using cotton wool and see through bags, we have stuck them to the window in Pre-School so we can watch them grow. 

Summer 2 w.c. 10.06.24

This week we have continued learning about sea creatures and reading our topic book 'Sharing a shell', we have been painting pasta shells, exploring the animals in the blue spagetti and creating starfish pictures with cheerios. At Woodland explorers we created wildlife ponds, we dug some stones to fill the bowls with and tipped the water in, we looked for good places to put them to encourage wildlife, the children are very excited to up next week to see if any animals have visited. We have enjoyed playing outside, reading our favourite books and collecting nature finds. The role play area was very busy this week, the children took it in turns to choose songs to sing and try on school uniform. 

Summer 2 w/c 03.06.24

This week we welcomed new children to Pre-School and began our new topic 'Under the Sea'. We explored the sea creatures in blue gelli, and water with pebbles. We did some under the sea themed yoga and learnt some new songs. The children have loved playing in our new role play, a reception classroom, it has a visual timetable, song cards, days of the week and weather board. The children have enjoyed playing 'teachers'. We have also been trying on school uniform and carrying book bags. Earlier this week the potatoes we planted last term were ready to be dug, the children loved pulling the plants and discovering the potatoes in the roots and soil, we washed them, chopped them up and baked them in the oven to eat. At Woodland explorers this week we made nature headbands, we collected leaves, sticks and flowers and used glue to stick our finds to the crowns.  

Summer 1 w/c 20.05.24

This week we have been learning all about Bees! As part of World bee day on Monday we have been learning all about bee's and how they help us. We spotted some bees in the trees outside in the garden. We have been very busy painting bee pictures, exploring the yellow rice and copied bee patterns in the mark making tray. We talked about how bee's make honey so we tried some by making honey sandwiches. At Woodland explorers we made bee homes using cardboard rolls and paper straws then hung them in the forest. We painted wooden butterflies, some children wanted to paint the same colours at the butterflies that we looked after. We did some P.E in the hall at big school, throwing and catching the balls, balancing the bean bags and hoops, rolling the balls to our friends and playing parachute games. Reception joined us for some singing and musical instruments and as we get closer to the end of the year we have been visiting the reception classroom and outside area. We made some butterfly cupcakes this week, we used the top of the cakes to create wings and dusted them with icing. 

Summer 1 w.c 13.05.24

This week our caterpillars hatched! All 5 caterpillars turned into butterflies and the children have loved watching them, feeding them and observing their wings. Once they had all hatched we released them, some of them sat on our hands and fingers before flying away. The children have been so good at looking after them. We have played lots of parachute games and songs this week, both with the children from Caterpillars and reception, reception came into our garden and taught us some songs and we played the bells and drums with them. We had cloud dough in our messy tray this week, the children enjoyed squashing and stretching it with their hands. As part of our space project we looked at google earth, we looked all around the world then found England where we live, then we zoomed all the way to Pre-School, the children loved exploring the area and we found different places in Pershore such as the swimming pool and Pershore abbey. At Woodland explorers this week we went on a Spring colour hunt, we found lots of nature that matched the colours and collected them in egg cartons, we then sang some of our favourite songs including sleeping bunnies and the dinosaur song.

Summer 1 w/c 07.05.24

This week we have been making paint using dandelions that we found in the Pre-School garden, we crushed the dandelion heads and added water to make the paint. On Wednesday we made pizza planets, we spread and added toppings. We made moon rocks by squeezing the foil into balls. We went on a woodland walk around big school to plant our seed bombs and found lots of minibeasts. At Woodland explorers this week we made nature butterflies, we found leaves and nature finds to make their wings, bodies and eyes. We listened to our wake up shake up songs in the forest and then sang some songs with the parachute. Outside we sang lots of songs on our stage, singing with our friends. As part of our space project we made our own star constellations pictures using chalk and stars. Our Caterpillars have now grown into their chrysalises, we played them very carefully into the chrysalis station and we will continue to observe them until they turn into butterflies.

Summer 1 w/c 29.04.24

This week we have been exploring outside, playing in the water tray, finding minibeasts, creating potions using grass and flowers and we did some wake up shake up outside. At woodland explorers we made our own spring seed bombs we mixed compost, flour, wildflower seeds and water and moulded them into balls ready to take home to grow. The children have loved looking for minibeasts this week and in the forest we found snails, worms and even a frog! We have continued to observe out caterpillars, they have grown so much and we think they are getting ready to turn into chrysalises. 

Summer 1 w/c 22.04.24

This week we have been exploring the moon sand in the tray, using our hands to crumble and squash the sand. We have been looking after our caterpillars, watching them grow and climb and talking about their life cycle. We have also been looking after our sunflowers, watering them and putting them near a sunny spot in Pre-School, our cress from last week Woodland explorers session had grown so the children took them home this week. Outside we have had lots of fun in the water tray, washing and drying the toys and using the jugs, funnels and water wheels to explore. On Tuesday we were in the Worcester news newspaper! Our photograph was selected to be in a nursery years special, the children have loved looking through the newspaper to find the photo. At Woodland explorers this week we decorated trees using masking tape and nature, we tided masking tape to the trees and decorated them with lots of different flowers, leaves, moss and other nature finds. We enjoyed playing hide and seek in the trees and building a 'campfire' with sticks. We made some marshmallow crispy squares, weighing out the ingredients and mixing them in the bowl. We also began creating some rainbow paintings, using cotton buds to paint the different colours.

Summer 1 w/c 15.04.24

This week at Pre-School we have been busy doing lots of planting. All the children planted a sunflower, they filled the flower pots with compost, made a hole with their finger and put the seed in. We read the story 'Little Sunflower' which shows how they grow from seeds to flowers, the children had lots of questions and comments about how the seed grows into a huge sunflower. At Woodland explorers we made cress Earth jars, we filled the jars with compost and cress seeds, we spoke about what they would need to grow. We have been learning all about the planet Earth as part of our Space project, we enjoyed looking at a globe, finding lots of different countries and seas, we talked about Earth day, what it means and how we can look after the planet. At the start of the week the children made 'moon rock' cakes, they all enjoyed mixing all the ingredients together and getting very sticky hands! We have been making lots of Space crafts, we made rockets with all the letters of the children's names and 5 little men in a flying saucer pictures. On Friday we had some new visitors, Caterpillars! They arrived in a jar and the children have been using the magnifying glasses to watch them move around, we will be looking after them until they turn into butterflies! 

Summer 1 w/c 08.04.24

This week we have been learning all about our new topic, Alien's love underpants and space! We played in the spaceship role play, spotting the planets and stars. We have also made rockets and decorated a cut out of Earth. At woodland explorers we planted some potato's, we used spades to dig the compost and placed the potato's deep down. We then played in the garden, did some mud painting and explored the water trays. Inside we washed the babies with bubble bath, made planets out of playdough and dressed up in the role play. 

Spring 2 w/c 18.03.24

This week we have been learning all about Easter! We made Easter cards and eggs and explored a spring themed tray. We had a visit from Tiddler town, exploring all the different areas our favourites were the hairdressers and the cafe. We also took the paper off our wormery and saw all the tunnels that the worms had made, we took the worms back to the mud where we found them. We also explored around big school, finding flowers and playing hide and seek. At woodland explorers this week the Easter bunny had been to the forest! There were lots of eggs hidden so we took our Easter baskets and Easter glasses and found them all. 

Spring 2 w/c 11.03.24

This week we have been spotting lots of signs of Spring, at Woodland explorers we used our spring spotter magnifying glasses to look all around the garden and the forest, we found daffodils, blossom, buds on trees and flowers beginning to grow. We have been painting pictures of the daffodils we found outside and exploring the different colours.  We have been melting dinosaur eggs and playing with the dinosaurs. As part of our Tiger who came to tea topic, we decided to make our own oreo ice cream. We crushed biscuits and whisked the cream, and added all the ingredients into a bowl then put it into the freezer to set, we tasted it the next day and it was delicious! Outside we made our own car wash and used sponges to clean all the cars. Pre-School love making potions, so this week we have been mixing blossom, grass, twigs, leaves and mud into our potions, all collected from our garden. 

Spring 2 w/c 04.03.24

This week we have been making potions outside using different flowers and nature, we have been busy making mothers day cards and gifts for mothers day. We have been making lots of marks on the chalkboards outside, and some children practised writing their names. On Thursday it was world book day, we wore our pyjamas and costumes, we had a brilliant day reading lots of stories and exploring our story trays, after lunch some of our grown ups came to Pre-School and we had a lovely time sharing our favourite stories. At Woodland explorers this week we made a wormery!, the children have loved looking for minibeasts in our garden so we decided to make a wormery and observe it's changes. We explored in the forest and around big school to find all the things we needed, most importantly worms! 

Spring 2 w/c 26.02.24

This week we have enjoyed playing outside on our new climbing frame and looking for bugs in the garden. We have been learning all about farm animals and had different messy trays that include cereals and chocolate mud which the children loved exploring. There were lots of frozen animals stuck in the ice earlier this week and we had to save them! We used paintbrushes and tweezers to try and melt the ice and rescue them, we talked about how they were frozen and how we could melt the ice. We have also been doing some yoga this week which the children have really enjoyed, practising different poses and balances. On our playdough table we explored spring daffodils and pink flowers, we used the petals to create different patterns and textures and used the magnifying glasses to take a closer look, our creations smelled very good! 

Spring 2 w/c 19.02.24

This week we have been learning all about our new topic story 'The tiger to came to tea', in the story the little girl Sophie and her family have to go to a cafe as the tiger has eaten all of their food, in the cafe they have chips to eat so we decided to make our own, we chopped up potatoes, boiled them and cooked them in the oven, they tasted yummy! We have been playing in our new sand pit, playing musical instruments in small groups and using pipettes to transfer water into the lego bricks. At woodland explorers this week, we went on a nature trail around big school, we had sheets with lots of different nature items to find, including minibeasts. We used the bug magnifiers to look closely at the minibeats that we spotted, we had to look in lots of different places to find different bugs. We had another rainy afternoon this week so we jumped in the puddles, watered the flowers and created potions.

Spring 1 w/c 05.02.24

We have had a VERY busy week this week, we have celebrated Chinese new year, Pancake day and Valentines day! On Monday we tried lots of different Chinese foods, including prawn crackers, noodles, prawn toasts and fortune cookies. We made our own Chinese lanterns and decorated them with lots of glitter. We made our own pancakes this week, we talked about the different ingredients that we would need, and mixed them all together in a bowl, we cooked them in the frying pan and then added lots of toppings to our pancakes, they were very yummy! At woodland explorers this week we made our own love potions using nature found in the forest and pink water, decorated playdough hearts with different sticks, leaves and flowers, and to finish played the hug game giving lots of hugs to our friends and grown ups. We also had a very rainy afternoon so we decided to put on our overalls and explore our outside garden in the rain, we jumped in lots of puddles and made potions using water we collected and flowers from the garden. We also went on a explore around big school, playing in the leaves and finding minibeasts under the big mats. On Friday we celebrated valentines day by making shaving foam hearts, having a pink heart themed rice tray and decorating cupcakes with pink icing and heart sprinkles. 

Spring 1 w/c 29.01.24

This week we have been making marks and patterns in the blue salt, matching the pictures to different items that were hidden in balloons and exploring the forest themed bear hunt tray. We used frozen paint to mark make pictures, we had to be quick before they melted! We used sponges to fill water into cups using our hands. At woodland explorers this week we make some tree rubbings to link with our forest bear hunt tray and used crayons and chalk to make our pictures, we also looked at lots of different trees that could have been in the story, and kept an eye of for bears! We also made some bird nest cakes as we have been learning all about the different birds that come into the garden, where they live and what they eat.  

Spring 1 w/c 22.01.24

This week we have been making carrot and potato soup, chopping the vegetables, putting them into a big saucepan then blitzing all the ingredients together. It tasted very yummy! We have been practising our cutting skills cutting the spaghetti, and making tracks with the cars in the messy tray. We even used spaghetti and paint to create pictures. We made bird feeders at Woodland explorers, mixing the bird seed with lard and scooping them into pots then hung them in the trees in our Pre-School garden so we can see if any birds come to eat them. We had lots of fun exploring in the dinosaur swamp, squishing it with our hands, it was very slimy! We have been balancing outside using the planks and stepping stones 

Spring 1 w/c 15.01.24

This week in the butterfly room we have been bubble paining, using lots of bright colours to create amazing bubble pictures. At Woodland explorers this week we made our own binoculars and telescopes to try and spot some birds in the forest, we looked at lots of different pictures of birds and spotted some! We have been building towers with the wooden bricks using foam to hold them together. We have also built giant structures with the big wooden shapes. We went to the big playground and had lots of fun climbing up and going down the big slide. We also made our own bear biscuits we used different decorations to give the bears ears a nose and two eyes, they tasted very yummy! 

Spring 1, w/c 08.01.2024

It was lovely to see the Children back after the Christmas holidays. We have been very busy this week learning all about our new story 'Were going on a bear hunt', we have been making bear faces, exploring our new kitchen role play area. We explored a bear hunt themed tuft tray using the wooden characters to explore the swishy swashy grass, we created a path for our display board. At our woodland explorers session this week we found lots of bear's hidden in the trees, we read the story and went on a bear hunt through the forest.

Autumn 2 w/c/ 11.12.23

This week we have been very busy with lots of Christmas activities, including making decorations, writing our letters to Santa, finding the Christmas post box after the cheeky Elf hid it!, playing pin the red nose on the reindeer, finding sticks at Welly Wednesday to make Stick men and making Christmas biscuits ready for our party. On Friday afternoon we had our Pre-School Christmas party, the Children had a wonderful time. We invited our grown ups to come and join, we sang some Christmas songs, played games, made reindeer food and had a visit from Father Christmas! 

Autumn 2 w/c 04.12.23

This week we have been busy making lots of things for Christmas! We have made Christmas cards, decorations and paper chains. We have had lots of new books from the Elf and have been opening the doors of our advent calendar. We have been exploring snow themed trays- including artic animals in the ice, shaving foam snow and melted snowmen soup! We have been doing lots of building using lego, stickle bricks and cones. We also made our own mince pies. 

Autumn 2 w/c 27.11.23

This week we have been using pippets to fill the lego with water, finding the woodland animals that were hidden in the forest at Welly Wednesday, then we danced to some music and stomped around the forest to our dinosaur song, making our own pizzas, using the paint sticks to mark make brilliant pictures, explore an artic animal tray and decorated our Christmas tree. On Friday 1st December the children came into Pre-School to discover there was an elf! There was a new role play area- Santa's workshop and the elf brought us an advent calendar and a new Christmas story to read!

Autumn 2 w/c 20.11.23

This week we have been using the water and paintbrushes at Welly Wednesday to paint the trees, branches and leaves. We decorated fish with lots of sparkly paper and played group games on the mat. We have loved playing outside, throwing and catching balls and balancing on the stepping stones. We really enjoyed washing the babies in the water using sponges and lots of bubbles! We put rice crispies in the cars to make tracks and enjoyed making our own banana cakes. 

Autumn 2 w/c 13.11.23

This week we have been making our own pigs from Old Macdonald for our nursery rhyme board using paints and sponges, exploring the water trays with Autumn nature at Welly Wednesday, singing with reception, and playing the drums and bells. On Friday we had a Pudsey themed day for Children in need, the children brought their teddy bears to Pre-School and had lots of fun decorating spotty biscuits, exploring the oats in goldilocks and the three bears tray, making jam sandwiches, and having a teddy bears picnic with their bears! 

Autumn 2 w/c 06.11.23

This week we have been learning all about Bonfire night and fireworks, we created our own firework pictures using chalks and paint, we made edible sparklers, and made fireworks and a bonfire out of leaves at Welly Wednesday. We have been exploring our new role play area- a shop, taking turns being shop keepers and customers. We spent one afternoon playing in the rain, making potions and jumping in the puddles! We also learnt about remembrance day, creating our own poppies and watching a short animation called 'Poppies'. 

Autumn 1 w/c 23.10.23

Week 8

This week in the butterfly room we have been exploring lots of pumpkins! We looked at all the parts of a pumpkin, made our own pumpkin soup and made magic potions at Welly Wednesday. We also had a spooky day and the children enjoyed dressing up and getting very messy with the spooky activities. 
