Orchard Primary
& Pre-School

Orchard Primary & Pre-School
"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"
This month we celebrated the achievements of the following children: Farah (Circus Skills Brownie Badge), Oliver (Gold Award Swimming Challenge), Alice (Beavers Badge), Isabel Loxley (50m Distance Swimming Award), Malia (Stage 6 Swimming Award, James (Football Try-out), Jack (5m Distance Swimming Award and Stage 2 Swimming Award) and Olivia (Blue Peter Badge).
The following children received their Bronze Mathletics Award - Logan C, Alice, Lilly, Isabel, Sam, Joseph, Richard, Alex, Gerard, Brett, Megan, Olivia, Imogen, Ross, Milo, Liam, Lacey, Eve, Milly M, Connie, Millie S, Sienna, Cai, Shaun, Freya, Taylor, Rowyn, Megan, Oliver, Stanley, Robbie and Sienna. Luke, Eve, Farah and Megan all received their Silver Mathletics Award and Charlie S received his Gold Mathletics Award.
Mrs Bitcon also gave out invitations to her tea party for all the children who had achieved "20 reads" and a special invitation to all the children who had achieved "80 reads" - Mrs Bitcon is going to take them to the book shop in Pershore to choose a book as a reward!