Orchard Primary
& Pre-School
Orchard Primary & Pre-School
"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"
This morning was our first Celebration Assembly of this academic year and we were very proud to celebrate the achievements of the following children:
Alex (Blue Peter Sports Badge), Kian (Award 2 - Duckling Award), Maisie B (Stage 1 swimming award), Brooklyn (Stage 2 swimming award), Aaliyah (Stage 2 + 3 swimming award and 10m distance award), Carla (Stage 5 swimming award), Lily (Stage 2 + 3 swimming award and 10m distance award), Cody (Stage 5 swimming award), Jack (25m distance swimming award) and Alice (800m distance swimming award, swimming challenge - silver award, gaining her first belt in Tae Kwon Do and successfully completing her bike workshop at Halfords!). The following children were also proud to show off their certificates for successfully taking part in The Big Friendly Read during the Summer Reading Challenge - Alice, Joshua P, Aaliyah and Owen.
Well done everyone!