Orchard Primary
& Pre-School

Orchard Primary & Pre-School
"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"
This morning we held our Celebration Assembly and were delighted to celebrate the achievements of the following children: Cody (Beavers Awards), Carla (1st place at Hampton Flower Show for her decorated gingerbread and 2nd place for her garden in a tray box), Kian (2nd place at Hampton Flower Show for his decorated gingerbread and 1st place for his garden in a tray box), Maisie B (Learn to Swim Level 3), Tiffany (Summer Reading Challenge and crocheting her own hat), Lily F (Summer Reading Challenge), Juliette (Learn to Swim Level 2 and 5m distance award), Jemima (Swimming Challenge Silver and Gold Award, 800m distance award), Danielle (Stage 6 Swimming Award, 25m distance award and gymnastics Gold Award), Leo (Learn to Swim Level 1), George (Learn to Swim Level 1, 5m distance award, Maths Challenge Medal and Summer Reading Challenge), Meela (Summer Reading Challenge and Learn to Swim Level 1), Josh P (Hiking/Walking and Collectors Badges), Alice (winning a prize for designing a Weetabuddy character), Maisie P (riding rosettes - 2 first and 1 second) and Lily D (Swimming Challenge Silver Award).
Well done everyone, we are very proud of you!