Celebration Assembly
On Friday morning we held our Celebration Assembly and were very pleased to celebrate the achievements of the following children: Brooklyn (Stage 6 swimming award), Danielle (400m swimming distance award, Bronze swimming challenge award, British Gymnastics Level 4 proficiency award and nominated for City of Worcester Star Gymnast), Alex (Level 5 Learn to Swim award), George (10m swimming distance award and Level 3 Learn to Swim award), Oliver (Level 6 Learn to Swim award), Maisie (Level 4 Learn to Swim award), Frankee (Go Ape Tree Top Junior certificate), Lewis (successfully completed Junior Driver Competence Course), Josh P (Teachers Award from Stagecoach for singing, acting and dancing), Lilly N (Beam Gym medal), Katie (Beam Gym medal), Sophie (Beam Gym medal) and Cian (Silver medal at Tae Kwon Do competition). Well done everyone!