Orchard Primary
& Pre-School

Orchard Primary & Pre-School
"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"
This morning we held our first Celebration Assembly of this academic year and were very proud to celebrate the achievements of the following children: Alex (completing the Emerge Sports Summer Rugby Camp), Josh (Chief Scout's Bronze Award), Jack L (Chief Scout's Bronze Award, Race for Life medal and Race at Your Pace 20 mile challenge medal), Connor (Chief Scout's Bronze Award + 4 other badges), Juliette (Learn to Swim Level 3 and 10m distance award), Lewis (Top Trier Award - Brisca Micro F2), Danielle (Swimming Challenge Gold Award), Fin B (Learn to Swim Level 6 and 25m distance award), Jack B (Learn to Swim Level 2 and 5m distance award), Kian (Learn to Swim Level 5 and Blue Peter Badge), Hetty (winner of The Bobby Club Colouring Competition) and Carla (Blue Peter Diamond badge and 3rd place award at Hampton Flower Show - "Garden in a seed tray").
Owen, Skye, Maisie, Filip and Calan all received a Reading Challenge certificate from Pershore Library.
Katie, Owen, George and Josh also received a certificate for successfully taking part in Mischief Makers Summer Reading Challenge.
Congratulations everyone!