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Orchard Primary

& Pre-School

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Orchard Primary & Pre-School

"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"

Celebration Assembly

This morning we held our last Celebration Assembly of this academic year; we were very proud to celebrate the achievements of the following children:

Henry (15m swimming distance award), Louie (15m swimming distance award), Oliver T (Level 2 Learn to Swim award), Ophelia (Level 3 Learn to Swim award), William (Level 3 Learn to Swim award and 10m distance award), Liam N (Level 5 Learn to Swim award), Cody (attending H&W Scouts Shirejam 2019 with 1st Pershore Scout Group, Rookie Lifeguard Silver Stage 3, Drakes Broughton Rangers FC U9 Squad Player of the Season ), Finn B (Level 3 Learn to Swim award), Danielle (gymnastics medal), Kian (football medals), Carla (Cubs badges - First Aid and Music, Rookie Lifeguard Silver Stage 2, attending H&W Scouts Shirejam), Josh M (Martial Arts orange belt), Amelia-May (Rainbows Explorer Badge), Connie (attending H&W Shirejam Camp with over 3000 Scouts, Cubs and Beavers, Level 4 Learn to Swim award), Max W (Level 3 Learn to Swim award), Hermione (Level 4 Learn to Swim award, gymnastics award), Brooklyn (Level 6 British Gymnastics proficiency award, City of Worcester Spring Term Star Gymnast), Poppy (gymnastics award), Juliette (gymnastics award) and Bella (her dog won Best in Show at Fladbury Walkabout Fun Dog Show). Well done everyone!



Children in Year 4 were presented with a certificate for taking part in the Bellboating Regatta in June;  


The following children in Year 3 were presented with a certificate for submitting a piece of creative writing that was selected for publication in a Young Writers' Anthology: Billy, Josh, Katie, Sophie, Lucy, Jasmine, Owen, Henry, Finn C, Lexus, Finn B, Connor, Michael, Grace, Jasmine, Thomas, Gracie, Phoebe J, Findlay, Harvey-Jack, Paige, Charlotte, Georgia, Rebecca, Myles and Lucas. 


