Orchard Primary
& Pre-School
Orchard Primary & Pre-School
"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"
This half term Year 2 visited the Cotswold Wildlife Park as part of our topic 'There'ssssssssss a sssssnake in my ssssssschool'. The visit was a fantastic opportunity for us to embed what we had been learning in the classroom i.e. food chains, animal groupings, predators & prey and carnivores, herbivores & omnivores. After our trip we wrote a recount of our visit including our favourite part and what we would do differently if we were given the opportunity to go again. This was our first piece of writing this year writing about real events and in the first person! During our trip we also had a specialist talk on reptiles from one of the park's keepers. We learnt so many facts about reptiles that we are aiming to complete a fact file on snakes and reptiles in the last week of our topic leading up to the Christmas break.