Orchard Primary
& Pre-School

Orchard Primary & Pre-School
"Small enough to care, Big enough to inspire"
As part of our "Out of this World" topic in Science we visited the National Space Centre in Leicester yesterday. After a long coach journey, as one of the roads was closed and we had to find a cunning way round, we arrived at the Centre. The first thing that amazed us was the height of the rocket tower from outside. The first area we visited was the astronaut zone and we all enjoyed manoeuvring the hovering machine to move the laser onto a target. Then we had the time to interact with many exhibits, thinking about astronauts' needs in space and loading a rocket. Then we visited the Solar System area and learnt about the planets; we could do many fun things like look through a telescope and move a moon buggy!
Then we attended a demonstration about rockets and how they move. We learnt about Newton’s Law of Motion and that Newton invented the cat flap. There were lots of explosions and shooting rockets demonstrated.
After lunch we had the opportunity to see a 3d film in the planetarium about how to be an astronaut. We felt like we were walking in space like the astronauts. Finally we went up the glass lift all the way to the top of the rocket tower. Some people loved the height, some did not! It was great day and we all learnt a lot more about space.